07. So, like a Double Date?

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The first half of the school day came and went, and Peter caught sight of both Flash and, on a happier note, Caden. He hadn't seen the older boy much over the past week but flashed a grin to his Spider-Man sweatshirt wearing crush and waved to Jackie and Reese who were beside Caden.

The past week had been an anxiety ridden trip for Peter. After he had meddled in his own love life, or as far as he knew, some other guy's love life, as Spider-Man a week earlier, he would be lying if he said that he didn't feel disappointed that Caden hadn't made an appearance at lunch.

Ned and MJ had been waiting during the week to see when Caden would make his move. They assumed it would be at lunch which was when they all hung out, but Caden was nowhere to be found in lunch day after day.

Ned grew impatient while MJ remained more laidback during the situation. Of course, everyone at their lunch table had been waiting to see which one of the boys would make the first move, and now that it appeared Caden would do so, Ned couldn't wait.

Jackie and Reese were more informed on the topic; they knew the real reason Caden hadn't been at lunch the past week since they were both his closest friends. That left Ned and MJ in the dark, and while MJ didn't necessarily want to wait another long week to see when Caden would make his move, she wasn't at all panicked like Ned was.

Meanwhile, Peter didn't even tell Ned about what he had done as Spider-Man. He couldn't. He had a weird feeling about it, it was a secret he definitely wasn't supposed to know. He had to pretend like he didn't know a thing which was harder than it seemed especially since Peter's brain constantly began to overthink all of the possibilities why Caden wasn't at lunch that week.

Well, obviously he's hanging out with the guy he's actually going to ask out. Why would I even assume it was me? What led me to that conclusion? Obviously he doesn't like me, and he's even avoiding the lunch table to prove that point. Jackie and Reese are too nice to leave and Jackie's with MJ so she has a reason to stay. That's it, I'll only see Caden in the halls now. Another crush gone wrong. He totally doesn't like you, Peter Parker, you're crazy.

Peter's thoughts had trailed off, and he felt overwhelmed with everything so he shoved his hoodie into his bag, sighing. Ned reached over to grab a fry off of Peter's lunch tray while Reese did the same, shrugging before popping the fry into his mouth.

"So, is Caden coming back to lunch any time soon?" MJ asked curiously, making eye contact with Peter before looking back to Jackie who sat next to her.

The small girl coughed, looking to Reese for an explanation who sighed dramatically before answering. "Caden's just working on some stuff right now... he'll be around again soon. He's being a nerd with doing loads of work for someone- some teacher I mean." Reese stumbled through the explanation, causing Ned to make wide eye contact with MJ.

Peter shrugged indifferently at the thought of Caden. He didn't want to get his hopes up, and his stream of negative thoughts made sure that happened. "I was starting to think he was ditching us if I were to be honest," Peter mumbled softly, looking at the table when everyone turned to look at him.

Ned looked sadly towards his best friend whose eyes were fixated on the table. He glanced at MJ who had a sad expression on her face as well.

As if the universe planned to make the second half of Peter's Friday unbearable, Flash pulled up a seat to the group's table.

"Fuck off, Flash," Ned commented upon seeing him, maiming steady eye contact with the bully. Flash ignored him, adjusting his seat to be closer to Peter.

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