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"I'm sorry, I must've misheard you," Feliciano said slowly. "But I could've sworn you said World War Two."

"Well, I'm pretty sure we met them in World War Two," Alfred said. "There were about five other guys in our troop during World War One."

Matthew kicked his brother again.

"But you're human," Ludwig said. "There's no way you two fought in World War Two." He turned to Arthur. "Are you sure it's them? Maybe their grandfathers were in your troop."

"We don't have any grandfathers," Matthew said.

"I thought you told me to shut up," Alfred said, offended.

"Yeah, because you need to shut up sometimes," Matthew responded.

"But why do you get to talk?"

"Because unlike you, I don't act like a five year old."

"I'm not five years old, Mattie!"

"How old are you, then?" Francis asked.

"Nineteen," Alfred answered, sticking his tongue out at Matthew. Matthew just rolled his eyes.

"You were seventeen during World War Two," Francis said, crossing his arms.

"So?" Alfred said. "Everyone ages." He said it as if it were obvious.

"I'm pretty sure humans age faster than that," Ivan said.

"You keep saying humans as if you aren't," Matthew said, changing the subject. "So what are you?"

"We will be the ones asking questions," Germany not-so-discreetly threatened. "Not you."

"Yeah, interrogation isn't really my thing," Alfred said. "I'm more of a 'punch them in the face' kind of guy."

"I will gladly punch you in the face," Ivan said happily.

"No, he's good," Matthew said. "I'll deal with him." He proceeded to kick his twin in the shin again.

"Would you stop!?" Alfred cried. "I swear you want to murder me!"

"That's actually not a bad idea right now."

"Not cool, Dude!"

"I think I know what I'm going to do tonight."

"I swear if you murder me, I'll haunt you until you die. Of death!"

"I thought you were afraid of ghosts."


"Exactly. Point for me!"

"Screw you."

Arthur cleared his throat. "Since we all agree it was you two in our troop, you might as well explain yourselves."

"Why should we?" Alfred retorted. "It seems obvious to me that you don't plan on sharing any time soon, so why should we?"

In all honesty, Alfred didn't even know how to explain himself. He didn't know why he didn't age. He didn't know why he felt bigger than his body. He didn't know why it was just Matthew and him, immortals among mortals.

But, then he realised something. "Arthur, you said you were 21 during World War Two. And Francis said he was 24. Are you still that age, or are you older now?"

Arthur stared at Alfred for a moment. Finally, he said, "I'm 23. Francis is 26."

"Funny," Matthew said, eyes looking distant. "We've all aged 2 years in 73 years."

"You both fought with the Canadian troops, right?" Francis asked. Matthew nodded. "So does that mean you're Canadian?"

"Not necessarily," Matthew said. "We have dual citizenship for both America and Canada. We just fought with the Canadians because they joined the war first. If the Americans joined before the Canadians, we would've fought with them."

Human(ish) TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now