The smile you had on your face while watching the two suddenly disappeared. "It's December 14?" You asked.

Bucky lifted his gaze to you and his smile diminished also. He looked at you with sympathetic eyes and he nodded, not saying anything else.

You set your mug down and stood up from the chair. You made your way to the kitchen and looked at the calendar hung on the wall. It was indeed the fourteenth of December. The anniversary of your brother's death.

Your eyes stung with tears, it had been five years since that awful day. Every year, you felt low on that exact day. It usually started a while before, knowing the day was coming always made you sad but this year you had been so distracted from it because of your son, who had actually been named after your late brother, and Bucky of course.

Your brother and husband had the same first name. You had never even thought about naming your child after your brother especially since your husband had the same first name.

A bit over five years ago, you had gotten pregnant. You were still engaged to Bucky back then and had gotten pregnant out of wedlock. For Bucky, coming from the 1940s, it was important to get married as soon as possible, though it would not have been the end of the world if you would have had a wedding after the baby was born.

You had decided on a small, intimate wedding with only family and closest friends invited. By the time you had gotten married, you had been pregnant for three months. You were barely showing but the dress you had on felt a bit tight on your stomach.

On your wedding day, you had announced that you were pregnant. Bucky of course new before but that was the day your family and friends found out.

That was the last day you saw your brother.

A couple of weeks later, December 14, you had gotten a call. Your parents had reached out to you and told you that your brother had died.

You didn't do much that day. You didn't feel like doing anything. You were confused, devastated and even angry that your brother wasn't with you anymore. You weren't angry at him but angry for the fact that he was gone. He didn't deserve that, at all.

Bucky had been gone while you had received the devastating news. You had sat on the couch of your apartment for a couple of hours, trying to fathom the fact that your brother wasn't around anymore. You hadn't cried, you hadn't shed one tear. You had just stared at the wall, body frozen as your mind was whirring.

Eventually, Bucky came home and yelled out a greet, not getting one back. He walked further in the apartment and was surprised to see you sitting on the couch quietly, still like a statue. He had called out your name quietly, observing you, trying to figure out what was wrong.

The second your gaze had met his, you burst down in tears. You had finally been brought back to earth and it all settled in. Your brother was gone.

Bucky had held you as you cried, and you cried a lot that day.


You jumped as you heard your son yell out for you. Soon you felt his small body crash against your legs and you looked down, wiping a tear that had escaped your eye. He had his chin resting on your lower stomach as he stared up at you. You tried your best to smile as you ran your fingers through his hair.

"What is it, Ethan?"

"I wanna go outside! I wanna build a snowman!"

You sighed, not really feeling like going outside and have fun. You weren't in the mood and you had a feeling you would just bum your son out if you went outside with him to build a snowman and try to act entertained. Knowing well you wouldn't succeed in making him believe you were as enthusiastic as him, you decided to stay inside.

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