That never happened part 1

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*skip to Monday*

I woke up to the sound of Kylie shuffling around the room like a weirdo.
"What are you doing?"
She looked at me with an I'm-going-to-kill-you-look.
I looked at her and got up just ignoring her. I walked to my bag and grabbed my clothes. After getting ready I opened the door to see Kylie standing in front of it looking at me.
"What is wrong with you?"
She didn't say anything, just stared at me.
I walked out of the room and as soon as I closed the door I heard a loud sigh from Kylie. I opens the door and she was Justin gritting on the bed staring at me again.
I closed the door to hear the same noise, but this time I ignored it and walked down the hall to Kyle's room.
"Come in."
"Morning Kyle."
"Morning baby girl."
"Ready for school?"
"Yeah. Let me grab my book bag and we can go."
As we walked out of the house and into the car Kyle had a weird look on his face.
"What's wrong dude?"
"Did Kylie seem a little off this morning?"
"Yes. When I came out of the bathroom this morning her was standing at he door staring at me. She even gave the look that said he was going to kill me."
"Weird. This morning when I went downstairs to grab shoes she came downstairs and walked into the kitchen completely silent. She didn't even look at me. She got a water from the fridge and went back up stairs not even glancing my way."
"Yeah that's weird. She hasn't does that since..." I trailed off.
"Since what?"
"Since she got her heart ripped out."
The car became silent until my face went white and all I could do was stairs out the windshield.
"Baby girl what's wrong?" Kyle asked.
I could hear him, but I couldn't open my mouth.
Arriving at school I got out of the car and walked into the building. I heard Alec say hi and I just looked at him. He gave me a weird look and I could tell he was following me. I walked passed coaches room and I could hear him say hi to me, but again I couldn't open my mouth. I kept walking and eventually went out the door into the football field. I stood in the middle of the field and just looked up at the sky.

*kyle point of view*
I ran into the school to see Alec.
"Alec where did Kelsey go?"
"I don't she walked towards coaches room after I said hi to he ran she never responded."
"That's weird. She became really pale in the car and she wouldn't respond."
"Then let's go find her."
We walked to coaches room where he looked really confused.
"Coach where's Kelsey?"
"I don't know. I said hit to her and she just kept walking like she didn't hear me."
"Ok. This is freaking me out. She had been this way since we got to school."
"We have to find her." Coach said getting up.
We all ran around the school and then outside.
"Boys!" Coach called looking towards the field.
I looked to wire he was looking and saw Kelsey looking up at the sky.
"Kelsey!" I yelled.
We got closer to the football field and we kept calling her name.
"Kelsey! Baby girl! It's me, Kyle." I yelled.
"Wait? Baby girl?" Coach asked.
"Yeah. We're a thing now."
"Finally." He said.

Alec, coach and I was now literally a foot away from her.
"Kelsey?" I whispered.
She turned around and looked at me. She had a darkness in her eyes. She was here, but she wasn't here.
"Baby girl are you ok?" I said inching forward.
I could tell she gulped and she had fear in her eyes.
"Kelsey?" Alec asked.
"Kelsey, please." I said.
She looked like she was about to break down and cry.
"Kelsey. Can you hear me?" I said.
"She nodded her head in agreeing that she could hear me."
"Ok. She can hear you, but why isn't she responding?" Alec asked.
"I don't know. Here, stay here."
I walked over to Kelsey and put my hand on her back.
She looked at me and a smile broke out onto her face.
"Kelsey can you still hear me?"
She shook her head yes and kept looking at me with a smile on her face.
I looked down at her wrist expected to see the bracelet I gave her and it was gone.
She looked at me and fear built up into her eyes again. She looked like she wants to scream.
"Kelsey." Kyle said.

*kelseys point of view*
I could hear someone saying my name. It sounded like Kyle. I opened my eyes to see Kyle standing over me. He was smiling down at me.
I sat up in the bed, which I knew was Kyle's.
"What happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"Kylie, she was staring at me with fear in her eyes. We went to school together and on the way I became different. It's like I could hear everything, but couldn't respond. Alec, coach and you were around me in the field an all I hear was Kelsey."
"Baby girl, I'm pretty sure that a dream. That never happened. The last thing that happened was me asking you to be my girlfriend and you saying yes."
"What day is it?"
"You ok?"
"I think, but can you recall the last few things we did."
"Sure. After you said yes, my mom, dad and grandparents along with us two played games, watched funny movies and did some random stuff."
"Ok. I remember that, but we never went to school? Never had fear in my eyes?"
"Pretty intense dream."
"It was."
"Don't worry. I got you. You won't ave fear in your eyes."
"Thank you Kyle. I love you."
"And I love you too."
I checked my wrist to see if the bracelet was on. It wasn't.
"Where my bracelet?" I said freaking out.
"Calm down, you probably just lost it in the bed."
Looking into bed I saw it and grabbed it. I kissed it and put it on my wrist.
I got up, gave Kyle an kiss and we got ready for the day.

"Alright, What are we doing today?" I asked Kyle as we made our way downstairs.
"My mom said she had a surprise for us two along with Alec and Duke if they wanted to go.
"Do you have any clue what it may be?"
"No. She wouldn't tell me anything."
I walked into the kitchen while Kyle walked into Doug's office/man cave room.
"Morning Kelsey."
"Morning Amy."
"Sleep well? I saw you fell asleep in Kyle's room."
"Yeah. I really didn't even realize I was in there, but I was happy I was because I had a freaking dream and I was scared out of my mind."
"I seemed like more than that."
"Be glad it's a dream then."
"I was happy to find out it was."
"Hope you don't have plans today."
"Nope. I asked Kyle what we were doing and he mentioned that you had surprise us two and Alec and Duke could come."
"Yeah. I know you won't be telling anyone so, I'll tell you now while Kyle's not here."
"Mary and I rented out the Funnzonnes for today."
"Oh my gosh. That's like the best thing ever."
"I figured. I figured you, Kyle, Alec, Duke and anyone else that wanted to go could have the days to yourself and have fun. Plus it's Kyle's birthday this coming up Wednesday. Early present."
"Yes. Thank you."
"It's no problem."
"I'll call Alec and Duke and see if they're up for a secret adventure today."
"Good idea. Mary, Robert, my mom and dad are coming along to."
"I haven't seen Dianne and Joey for ever."
"Do I figured it was a good day."
"Yes. Thank you."

The rest of the morning Alec and Duke came over and we all hung out until Amy and Doug's parents got here.
All ten of us headed out towards the surprise day/early present for Kyle. Later we would be having Amy's sister and her three kids, Daniel, Logan and Ben come and hang out too.

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