The bracelet that led to more

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I woke up to the clock reading 7:40. Everyone else was asleep as I slipped out into the kitchen. My bare feet hitting the cold tiles sending shivers on my spine.
I walked over to the counter where Doug was drinking his usual morning coffee.
"Morning Doug."
"Morning Kelsey. Up early this morning."
"Yeah. I may have slept seven hours."
"Most definitely beat the boys. They won't be up until 10."
"Not surprised. If they could sleep for how ever long they wanted it would probably be until 2."
"What do you all have planned for today?"
"I don't think we really have anything."
"How about a family day. I'll get Amy, Kyle, Kylie, you and I and we can just hang out somewhere or stay at home and do something."
"I would go for that."
"Go for what?" Amy asked coming downstairs.
"Having a family day today. We can get Kylie, Kyle, Kelsey, you and I out and do something for stay home and do something."
"Sounds fun. Are the boys up yet? I'm going out to the bakery to get breakfast."
I looked into the living room to see all three boys still asleep.
"Not really surprised."
"You want me to go with you?"
"Sure. You probably know what these boys eat more than I do."
"That's because they don't eat home because every time we're out they seem to eat like a cow."
"They're teenage, football playing boys. They weight like 160 pounds."
"True. Let me get ready and we can go."

After getting dressed and grabbing Kyle's blanket out Amy and I went to the bakery.
"Is that Kyle's blanket?"
"I figured. You two have literally been best friends. He wasn't this good of friends with Alec when he moved to town."
"Alec moved to town a few years before I did and then we tree became friends and then Duke made an impression and here he came."
"And all four of you are the best friends you could think of having."
"For sure."
"Though I do have one question for you."
"Ask away."
"Do you like Kyle?"
"Like as in..?"
"You have known me for years, you know what I mean."
"I know and to really answer that I don't know. I have been his best friend for years and you and Doug are my parents friends. I've thought of it before and I just kinda push it off to the side. I've seen what has happened to people who go from best friends to the whole deal and it turned into rubble."
"Well I'll let you in in this secret. Doug and I were best friends in college and look at us now."
"You have a loving family and many friends."
"And a loving daughter in law."
"Hey we ain't there yet."
"Yeah yet."
I shook my head as we parked the car at the bakery.
"Come on, let's get breakfast for the hooligans at home." Amy said with a small laugh as we got out of the car.

Back home I walked into the kitchen to see Doug and only Doug reading the newspaper drinking his coffee. I looked into the living room to see all the boys still asleep.
"Well looks like I'm waking some people up."
"Open the curtains and let the sunlight into the room. You'll get them up. You might get tackled, but they'll be up." Doug said.
"Got it."

I walked into the living room and over to the window. I grabbed the curtains and yanked them open. Sunlight filled the room over the sleepy boys.
"Good morning boys." I said as I could hear Doug and Amy laughing from the kitchen.
"Turn the sun down." Alec whined.
"Do the opposite. Turn the sun up. Rise and shine."
"Oh I'll rise and shine alright." Kyle said before I knew it he was chasing me around the house.
I ran around the house up the stairs into his room. I was standing on side as he stepping closer to me. I jumped into his bed and he jumped on after me attacking me onto the bed. I laughing so hard I could hardly breath.

*kyles point of view*

After tackling Kelsey onto the bed with her laughing I looked into her big blue eyes. There were sparkling from the tears of laughter coming out of her eyes. It felt a smile creep onto my face.
"Who's going to rise and shine now?" I said.
She looked up at me and smiled.
I thought about just then at that moment to kiss her, but instead I got off of her and helped her up. We headed downstairs into the kitchen back with everyone else.

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