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I'm all tangled in...
The way you look at me...
How you read my mind —

Something in your eyes,
slows my heart rate down.

I can't even help it,
My frown just disappears,
whenever I'm with you.

At Christmas,
you're always singing me the perfect song...
Joking around —
while we're hanging ornaments on the tree.

Later in the evening,
you'll meet me under the mistletoe,
and we'll share a kiss.

Oh how I don't know —
we've made so many mistakes,
but I can't give up on this.

I don't even know what you're all about...
I'm desperately trying to figure you out.
I want to fix what went wrong.

Words are still unspoken —
Still, I'm holding on to you.
Grasping on to,
a boy I once knew...

This year I don't want any gifts,
I just want to spend Christmas with you.

Thanks for reading!

Merry Christmas

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