While placing her things to the cabinet, she spies at the window and sees Ashton walking to his house until he caught her. Ashton smiles and waves at her, Ecstasy is blushing and waves back, then close the curtains. Ecstasy takes a peek behind the curtain and sees Ashton smiling and went inside the house. Ecstasy rapidly locks the door, pulls down her shorts and talks to her talking vagina named Gina about what happened.

Gina: (in a New Jersey accent) Hey girl!
Ecstasy: Hey!
Gina: What can I do for my favorite girl. You want some of my advice?
Ecstasy: Yes actually. Um...
Gina: What is it, girl?
Ecstasy: I saw a boy earlier and he help me with my luggage today. And then, my sisters saw outside the window and they think that me and him have "love at first sight" which I believe its not because I barely even know that guy and we are just friends. So, what are your thoughts about it?
Gina: Wow! That's very specific. I think you start it as friends first like get to know to him more, you know. Don't make it a big deal and make things slow, girl. You get me?
Ecstasy: Yeah I guess so. Thanks, Gina you're the best.
Gina: Anytime, girl. Wait, there's something odd here... why your room feels empty?
Ecstasy: Oh, we kinda moved to a new house in L.A.
Gina: Really! I did not know that. And how do you feel about that.
Ecstasy: At first, I was really unhappy about these like moving to a new house, making new friends and trying new things. Then, dad told me to accept changes. And yeah, I'm fine about it.
Gina: If that's going to make you happy then I am also happy.
After finishing unpacking their things from the luggage, she decides to explore the neighborhood and meet new people.

First, she went to Ashton's house and knocks on his door until she is accompanied by Chelsea and Hailee, Ecstasy tells them to leave and Ashton opens the door. She introduces his sisters to him and he invites them inside, they sit on the couch while he went to the kitchen to fetch them some snacks. Ecstasy asks them "Why are you here?" and Hailee said "Dad, wants us to accompany you" and Chelsea nods.

Ashton returns to the living room with a tray of delicious homemade beignets and serves them each like a gentlemen. The girls start eating the beignets and compliment it as "scrumptious", Ashton smiles and tells them that his mother made it. His mother named Margaret Baker confronts them and sits with Ashton after removing her apron that is covered in flour. She introduces herself to the girls and they tells her how delicious these beignets are, then Margaret starts talking with them.

Margaret: So, you're our new neighbors. Well, I just want to say Welcome to the neighborhood (laugh). Everyone is very nice in here.
Hailee: Thanks.
Chelsea: Your house is very nice.
Margaret: Thank you! Ashton's father was responsible for making this beautiful home.
Chelsea: Where is he now?
Ashton: He's at work now.
Ecstasy: Oh. (become interested)
Ashton: He is a seaman.
Ecstasy: Oh. (feels sad)
Ashton: And I don't know when he's coming back.
Margaret: Indeed, It's been a month since we saw him. Anyway, I heard Ashton have met your father.
Ashton: Yeah, he's a cool dad, I gotta say.
Margaret: That's nice and have you met their mom?
Ashton: Actually no. Where's your mother by the way?
Chelsea: Oh, she's died.
Margaret: I was just assuming that your father is divorced
Ecstasy: Its much worse than that.
Ashton: Oh. What happened to her?
Hailee: We shouldn't talk about this. It hurts to recall what happened.
Margaret: I'm very sorry for your loss.
Ashton: Me too.
Ecstasy: And we're sorry that you haven't seen your father.
Chelsea: At least you have a father.
Ashton: Yeah.
Margaret: So, girls. When are you planning to go to school?
Chelsea: Oh, me and Hailee are now in college while Ecstasy will start high school tomorrow. It's called Hashmore High School and it's a private school.
Ecstasy: I guess, we're going to be classmates, Ashton.
Margaret: Oh no, he's actually homeschool. I am his teacher, by the way.
Ecstasy: Oh okay.
Ashton: (embarrassed)

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