C h a p t e r 36:Man Down

Start from the beginning

Drake's expression softened as he watched Valencia's brother break down in front of him.

"Don't put all the blame on you man. The story is way complicated, and no one in it didn't fuck up to a certain degree."

"She hates me now... I'm an idiot. The only person who is always meant to stand by her side doubted her and didn't respect what she asked for." He held his head in his hands.

"Did you just say she hates you? Valencia? You must be kidding me. She wouldn't hate you even if you stab her ten times in the most painful spot. She loves you man, she respects you and what she went through made her build high walls and anyone who gets high enough to surpass them makes her fear that once she's exposed, she'll lose them. She wouldn't hate you even if you hated her. She just gets easily hurt."

A sigh was the only thing you can hear as Drake finished talking.

"I guess I have no other choice. She'd want me to tell you anyway. Are you ready to know what happened to your sister since the day you sent her away?"


Declan took the subway on his way back. He was trying his best to mask how nervous he was, shutting away the pain he was feeling in his heart as his head felt heavier.

I'm really sorry Valencia...I'm really sorry...

He took his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text before he closed his eyes to rest a bit. He needed rest before reaches his destination, especially now since he's finally free from Dylan's eyes.

"Well, you do look happy." A voice he doesn't know spoke, but he acted as if he was asleep.

"You really don't need to answer, but don't play dead. Just know that everyone in this world carries some sort of weight."

Declan opened his eyes to come face to face with an old woman who sat in front of him. Her face was beaten up and full of bruises.

It gave him chills seeing a woman in her age like that.

She noticed the frown he wore so she smiled softly and said in a calm voice: "Don't worry about this. Physical pain and bruises fade in time, it'll be my choice later on whether I want the emotional pain to go or stay." She sighed and continued: "Not all bruises are a result of being abused by an abuser. I know telling you this is kind of random, but the person who did this to me is so precious to my heart."

Declan looked at her surprised, the frown still on his face as he asked: "How so? This person damaged you."

"It was my son. He suffered from a mental illness since he was young. His father used to be a really strict man, he may not hit him but he used to verbally abuse him, and I was too coward to take real measures about that. He grew up in a harsh and violent environment and ended up a violent person, kept in a safe place where he's getting the treatments he needs. One day, the nurse forgot to give him his pills, and he went out for a bit to breathe some fresh air, apparently, he saw some of his schoolmates with their new families in the park, laughing together. He advanced to talk to them but they were all tensed and they avoided eye contact. They made their conversation as short as possible before they practically ran away with their kids saying they're busy. He came home broken and mad, so he lost control."

Declan was looking at her, as she was telling him that so calmly.

"I'm back to visit him. After what happened, I was taken to the hospital out of town as they took him to the psychiatric hospital. They called me yesterday saying he was always crying and whispering apologies since this incident happened. And I miss my baby so I decided to come visit sooner than planned. I needed to take the weigh off his shoulders, even though I know it'll always pain him to know he once harmed his own mother."

She took a sip of her cup of tea as she ended her story with a sentence that came out more like a whisper. "You're not meant to be blamed for all of your mistakes, you should take it easy."


"Are you Valencia?" A girl randomly asked her, joining Valencia's table as she was eating.

She eyed her before swallowing what was in her mouth and answering: "Yes, why?"

"I have a message for you little girl. Your first man is down like the last standing girl did. You won't be able save one of the soulmates if you can't save them both."



I was able to update before the new year!


I have a lot of ideas on how to end this story but each ending demands special events WHICH MAKES ME STUCK IN A NEW KIND OF WRITER'S BLOCK...


Don't forget to leave a comment and vote for my own pleasure ♥

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