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The next day they were awoke by the sun shining through the window. Emery climbed out of bed, noticing that Link wasn't anywhere to be seen as of now. She shrugged to herself and pulled her traveling outfit back on. After brushing her hair and such, she exited the room to find Link and Zelda. One rule about being a hero or a warrior in general is you always carry your weapons on you, so that's just what she did. Once she stepped out of her room, she approached Zelda's. Before she knocked, she heard talking and stopped. She didn't mean to listen in, but she couldn't stop herself.

"I just can't bare to look at you." Zelda groaned.

"Why? I thought everything was fine." She heard Link's voice reply.

"It can't be fine when I know you were in love with me before." She spoke boldly. There was a short silence.

"I don't remember that-"

"You hadn't regained all your memories, which is why I know you truly don't remember me."

"I'm telling you I remember everything." He sighed.

"Then why did you hold me like you did when we were running? Why did you take your last breath while fighting to protect me?" She asked, and you could hear her tears.

"What was I suppose to do, push you off of me? And- are you forgetting that was my one job aside from helping you seal Ganon? It was to protect you, and we were both in imminent danger. Besides, running like you told me wouldn't have gotten me far." He replied.

She was silent. "I see. And what about the time you told me you loved me?"

After hearing that, Emery decided to start her day without the two of them. She exited the castle, being greeted by the guards. "If Link and Zelda ask where I am, can you please tell them I've went off into Castle Town?"

"Sure thing, hero." The older man replied. She nodded slightly and walked through the gigantic doors. She stepped onto the stone walkway from the castle entrance straight through Castle Town. She kind of felt nothing at the moment. She was just numb. What was she meant to feel after hearing such a conversation between the two of them? She wasn't really hurt, she wasn't not upset. Honestly, she didn't know how to feel.

"Good morning, Lady Emery!" People greeted her as she walked through the town. She smiled politely and waved back, representing her name well.

"Emery, do you think you have time for a quick bow lesson?" A boy approached her. He looked about her age, and he was very hopeful.

"Uh-" was she allowed to say no? She wasn't in the mood, and she didn't necessarily have time to be messing around like that. Before she could reply, they were interrupted. She turned around to see guards running towards her. Her heart plummeted.

"Emery, the Yiga invaded the castle. We tried to fend them off, but they moved too quickly and in the shadows. We've not much experience in fighting them. They took Zelda and Link." One of them spoke breathlessly.

"You must do all you can to protect Castle Town. Be on high alert but don't scare the inhabitants. You-" she pointed to the boy. "Another day, yeah?"

She didn't wait to watch as he gulped and nodded quickly. She dashed off towards the exit of Castle Town, grabbing her horse from the royal stables on the way. She dashed off in the direction of the Yiga Clan hideout that they still used. Fortunate for her, it would be easy to find them. She just hoped she wasn't too late.

It took a while to arrive in the Gerudo Dessert Highlands, but she finally did. It would be nightfall soon, and she preferred to hurry. Honestly, she was just worried. She didn't want them to hurt Link- or Zelda. Their names sounded just so good together... She focused her thoughts back in on the task at hand. Finally, she dashed through the eerie trail leading to the hideout. She was anything but scared. They were becoming not so much of an enemy as they are a burden.

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