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Rudania crawled up to the top of Death Mountain and took it's place. They felt the earth shake as he shot off a bright red beam to the center peak of Hyrule castle. Yunobo saw Daruk, who raised his fist to the sky when he saw him. Yunobo grinned and waved until his hand ached. "What was he talking about?" Link asked instantly.

"What do you mean?"

"My sword? What sword?" He asked. She was confused. How could he not remember?

"Do you really not know?" Her face was surprised.

"No, I don't. You have to tell me-"

"The Master Sword, Link. The sword that seals the darkness." She replied.

Emery helped Link walk back to Epona. She helped him on, then took his normal place in the front. She rushed Epona out of Goron City, but she had no where to go after that. He held onto her waist tightly. She was in a hurry, that's for sure.

"I was waiting to tell you," He said into her ear. "I bought that house, to make you not upset at me anymore."

She let out a huff as she jerked Epona into the direction of Hateno Village. "I'm not mad at you, Link."

"Then why are you acting like that?" He asked with an agitated sigh.

"Like what?" She replied, but she knew.

"Just forget I said anything." He muttered. She chewed her lip. She must've really hurt his feelings, because he was pushing her away now, too. He was done trying with her, and it was her fault. Maybe if she wasn't so complicated and frustrating, she'd be lovable. If she didn't have baggage, she'd be lovable. Most of all, if she wasn't her she'd be lovable. There was nothing lovable about her, and this was why she couldn't get attached to anyone. What she was planning would be for the best.

She helped him into the house, his house now. She laid him on the bed, and pulled his bag away from him. She pulled the sewing kit out of his bag. She helped him pull off his bloody tunic, revealing a deep gash straight across his stomach. She quickly looked away, bringing her hand up to her mouth. Tears filled her eyes, falling quickly down her cheeks. She did that to him. If she hadn't messed up, then he would still be okay. He almost died because of her. She was careless, letting her big head get in the way. She told herself she couldn't miss, and she did. This was all her fault.

"Emery?" His frail voice brought her out of her thoughts. "If you can't do it, I can."

"I can do it." She rushed out, wiping her face of the tears. She had to be strong and hold them back. She was so upset with herself for being a failure. Why couldn't she just prove herself wrong? Why couldn't she do something right for once? Instead, she let him almost die on her watch. It was all her fault, those words continuously ran through her head. Over and over. When she turned back around, Link noticed her eyes were all red and puffy. Why had she been crying? She began to stitch up his wound, it took a while. It was so big and wide, she didn't know if she was going to be able to or not. Eventually, she finished it, tying the ends together to pull it closed. She wondered how he'd gotten through that so well. She looked around at his bare body, seeing just how many scars were on him. They were everywhere, littering his sides and his stomach. This definitely wasn't the first awful wound he'd received. She placed her finger over an extremely wide, purple scar. He wondered what she could possibly be doing. "Link..."

"It's okay," He said.

"No it isn't." She replied, bringing her hand up over her mouth again. He watched as tears began pouring out of her eyes once again. He'd never seen her cry, not even when she was in pain. Why was she crying now?

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