Lost Woods

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Emery sat there in shock, staring at him. He was lying, right? She couldn't have actually died. Otherwise, she wouldn't be here now. Right? "How am I alive, then?"

"Mipha brought you back." He replied. It seemed she wasn't taking the news that well. He didn't know what to do, but maybe knowing that she wouldn't put herself in so much danger again.

"How long has it been?" She asked him.

"A couple of days." He replied.

"Then how..." She trailed off, not being able to find the words. What happened to her was astounding, and Link didn't quite have an answer for it either. He watched as she went to move the covers from her leg, but something else caught his eyes.

"When did this get on your hand?" He quickly asked, grabbing her hand. They started to glow together, and they pulled away.

"What was that?" She whispered as she started at him. This was bizarre, as this had never happened before. He took her hand once more, noticing that he had the Triforce on his hand, too.

"It seems we both have a half of the Triforce of courage." He replied.

"Well, what does that mean?" She asked. They were both in awe at what had happened. Why did it only just appear?

"It means, you're just as crucial to this battle as I am. I told you, you were meant for this. You're a Champion too." He grinned at her.

She returned an equally as bright smile, and pulled him into a tight hug. He wasn't complaining when she did so, but she quickly let go. She came to the realization she was overly exposed for Link's eyes, but she was starting to care less. She was more than comfortable around him, but still just self conscious. She climbed out of the bed, wobbling slightly. He placed his hand on her lower back to help her up, then assisted her with putting her armor on. Until she regained her balance. She was back to normal, just like that, and Link was more than thankful. They opted to go back to the house, to plot out the rest of their plans before going to Ganon.

On the ride to Hateno Village, Link was- like always- deep in thought. The Triforce glowed when their hands were together. He recalled himself holding the same hand just before she suddenly awoke. Had the Triforce saved her? The Goddess'? He always knew all along that she was just as important in this battle, and he was right. Was she the reason they hadn't succeeded before? She couldn't be, only then they underestimated Ganon's power. There was no way it was because of her.

Still, the whole thing baffled him. If she was truly meant to be a part of this whole thing, why was she only born after the awakening of Calamity Ganon? Now he knew this whole thing was exactly the way it should be. Even if Zelda had been locked away for a hundred years, the Champions and people of Castle Town lost their lives- including Link. This was all meant to happen this way, it was evident seeing as Emery was born only after Calamity Ganon arose. He was feeling more and more confident in the battle that was coming up. He felt more than ready, but there was one thing missing. The Master Sword.

How was he meant to find it? He had no recollection of it, let alone where it would be. Either way, he was going to have to find it. There was no way he could defeat Ganon without it. Just as Emery had said, it was the sword that sealed the darkness.

He and Emery went to Impa that night after figuring out what they must do. Also, after she insisted Link must rest for a while. He hadn't gotten any since that day, and that was a while. He would only be on his best game if he was well rested, so he listened to her. Now, it was all beginning to feel much closer. Everything was falling into place. All the Divine Beasts, Emery and Link, and now the Master Sword.

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