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The girls searched the house to try and find Chris, it was best that they split up so that they searched the whole house to find him.

"WHERE ARE YOU CHRIS?" yelled Seulgi.

"COME OUT PLEASE," Yeri said yelling.

"WE WON'T HURT YOU" Irene yelled.

"COME ON CHRIS" yelled Wendy.

"WHY DID YOU RUN AND HIDE? WE WEREN'T GOING TO DO ANYTHING BAD TO YOU" Joy yells as she looks in the closets and under the beds. They searched and searched but couldn't find where he went, the girls all met up back in the living room to discuss how they were going to find him and where he was hiding.

"How are we going to find him?" Yeri said putting her crossbow down.

"I'm not sure Yeri, he has to be here somewhere," Seulgi said looking at Yeri.

"We must've not looked properly," said Irene as she paced back and fourth with her arms crossed.

"We've searched the whole house, Irene, where else could he be?" Wendy said as she stops Irene from pacing back and fourth.

"Well I don't know Wendy... maybe we shouldn't have invited him inside in the first place then none of this would've happened" Irene glared at Wendy with her arms still crossed.

"Seriously Irene, don't be so dramatic," Wendy said looking at Irene.


"Please stop fighting," Yeri said because she didn't like to see them yell at each other. Irene and Wendy continued arguing for a while until Joy thought of one place that they might not have checked. Joy banged her hand on the table to get everyone's attention before she spoke.

"Did anyone even bother to go up and check the attic?" Joy said looking at them. All of the girls looked at each other and then thought for a moment.

"I don't like going up there," Irene said.

"Ohhh... no, I didn't," Yeri said as she remembers that they have an attic.

"Why would he go up there anyways?" Wendy asked.

"I actually didn't think of the attic..." Seulgi said.

"Well if he is up there, then we all need to go up there together," Joy said looking at the others as they all nod their heads. They all started walking towards the entrance to the attic but there wasn't a chair under it, maybe he wasn't in the attic unless he thought of another way to get up there. Wendy grabbed a chair and placed it underneath the entrance, then one by one they went up into the attic.

Once they got up into the attic, it was pitch black, they all couldn't see anything and had to find the light switch. Blindly they all searched to find where the light switch was, Seulgi and Wendy bumped into each other because it was so dark and they couldn't see anything in front of them. After a while Yeri felt something that was on the wall, it felt like the light switch.

"I FOUND IT" Yeri yelled and quickly turned on the lights so they can see but the attic was empty, there was no one in there except for them and a round table, so Chris wasn't in the attic but where could he be? there was nowhere left for him to possibly hide. The girls started to get really confused about where he went, maybe he ran down the street calling for help? or he called someone to pick him up and left the pizza delivery car in front of their house? It was just so strange that he disappeared like that.

"He's not here.... Where would he have gone?" Yeri asked.

"I'm not sure but there is nowhere else in the house that he could be hiding because we searched everywhere" Wendy answered.

"There must be somewhere that we didn't check properly because he has to be here," Joy said wondering where he would've gone.

"I don't know Joy unless we go back down and look for him together" Seulgi suggested.

"I guess that's the only option we have," Irene said.

"Well lets go down and look around the house together and make sure that we haven't missed a place that he could be hiding in" Wendy told them as all the girls went back down into the main house, Wendy placed the chair back where it was and regrouped with the others so they could search the whole house to find Chris, this night went from being fun to a bad night because of Chris running off and hiding because he didn't want to play a game with the girls. All five of them started to search the house together and tried not to miss any hiding places that he might be hiding in.

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