how it feels when the world's gone mad

Start from the beginning

"I... haven't seen another human since the outbreak," I confess, standing up so we are now eye level.

"Wait- not one?" The brunette does a double take with her head as if she can't believe my words.

"We're living in an outbreak..." I trail off.

"-Camila," she finishes, nodding her head toward me. "I'm Camila Cabello."

"Y/L/N. Y/N Y/L/N," I mimic James Bond' voice. This makes the girl in front of me giggle loudly as she holds her hand in front of her face.

"You're funny. I like you," she concludes before gesturing with her hand toward the exit. "Come on," she smirks, turning around and walking out, knowing I will follow. She has that kind of leader vibe about her. She is made to lead.

I do exactly that, I follow her out the store until the fresh sunlight beams down onto my face. My eyes blink rapidly as I bring my ray bands over my face to rest on the bridge of my nose.

"Woah, cool glasses." Before I think, the glasses are swiped right off my face from the girl next to me. "Where'd you get them?" She asks, putting them on so they sit on her now. She forms her lips into a put and puts of two peace signs. "I look cool, right?" I snort in response, raising my eyebrows at how weird this girl is. How can she act like this when we live in a world like this? "Here you go," she sing-songs, taking the glasses back off and handing them to me. I look down at her offering hand, examining the gesture.

"Keep them," I start. "They suit you more anyway." The smile that takes over her face has me subconsciously smiling in return.

"Where are you going?" Camila asks as I turn away to start walking my normal route.

"Back... home?" I practically ask, wondering why she cares.

"Oh, fun! I'll come with." She skips toward me, her weapons and backpack swaying behind her as she moves. She looks like an excited school kid ready to go on a school field trip. Except that school field trip is to the military or something. This is the kind of thing grown man have nightmares about.

"Don't you have like... I don't know, other people to attend to?" I ask, referring to her calm reaction to seeing another human. Clearly, she's seen more at this time.

"Sure, I do, but I want to hang out with you. Why, can't I do that?" Camila's head tilts to the side and she looks like a lost puppy. I almost coo at how cute it is. Almost.

"I just thought you'd want to go back to your people," I ask unsurely, not really knowing how it works now. From what I've seen in movies before the outbreak though, that is how it goes.

"My people? What is this, Fear The Walking Dead?" I shrug, turning away so I can keep walking my route. "We're just a bunch of people who work together to provide and shit. I wouldn't call them my people. I know like, two of their names... maybe three?" The girl continues to ramble as we walk. She follows my every move, jumping on her feet lightly with every step as she talks about something excitedly, or lowering her head when she mentions someone she's lost.

For some reason, I listen intently. Something about the way Camila speaks has me intrigued with her. She may be talking about the most useless shit, like her obsessive love for banana's, but it sounds like it's coming from a scholar. Her words, although come out like a typical teen from the 21st century, hold volume and depth. I can't explain it. But if I had to listen to her speak for the rest of my life about banana's, I wouldn't turn it down.

"So, here we are. Home sweet home," I interrupt Camila's rambling on this place called, Havana, as I gesture to the structure in front of us. I see the Latina tilt her head to the side as she examines the half wood, half concrete 'house' ahead.

little do you know ⍟ camila cabelloWhere stories live. Discover now