something that needs to be addressed

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okay, so i have been getting COUNTLESS comments about this. so i feel like i need to make a post about it. i feel obligated, compelled. its not so much a rant, but more of a why are y'all coming for my main character's face claim?

lets start off from the beginning.

many of you were thrilled that i choose a chinese-filipina main character that it didn't even matter that the face claim herself is mexican. i understand that, okay? she is not chinese filipina, and she may not look like you or like most chinese filipinas. but its my story and i get to choose who i want to portray as certain characters.

plus, i explained several times that i only chose kika edgar to play sofia because i have a friend who looked almost identical to her and she is chinese filipina. actually, i have another friend who is also both nationalities and she has the same skin tone as kika. side note, my friend is the great grand daughter of julian felipe. turn up if you know who he is. (he wrote the national anthem of the philippines).

but either way, i don't feel like that is something i should be explaining myself about or apologizing about.

second, there were a few of you who were commenting how the story wasn't realistic because she didn't look like you, a filipina fan/reader. going back to my first point, i modeled her appearance after a friend of mine who is chinese and filipina. 

also, just because she doesnt look like you literally means nothing?

why are you so pressed about this?

anyway, she is chinese and filipina, so as a pure filipina she wouldn't have looked like you much anyway?

okay yes, kika edgar is mexican. but for the third time, she looks like an asian friend of mine. im not going to be saying this again after this post because i have honestly gotten tired.

im really sorry if this sounds rude, im really not going for that.

i just don't know how else to get my point across??

last, im tired of seeing comments about how kika edgar supposedly looks fifty years old?? okay, if you think that's fifty, then hold onto your hat because you fucking wish you looked that good at fifty. but listen here, she isn't even that much older than jin. so idk where these comments are coming from?

plus, its just a story. 

back off kika.

she's my woman crush. i've been watching her in soap operas since i was a kid. but whatever. i will fight.

kika doesn't deserve this.

plus i take it really personally because she is mexican and i am mexican, and i defend my mexican crushes really hard. so don't mess with kika, the mexico nt, chivas, ariadne diaz, mariana van rankin, or any of my other boos. plus, how petty is it to drag someone based on their looks? like you have something better to bring to the table? who crowned u miss universe?

kika is a sweetheart in rl. just because she's a jerk in this fic is not her fault. 

sorry again if it looks like im coming off as rude. that's really not what im trying to do. i really like bts and i know y'all like them too. (no shit, sherlock). 

so then how would/do you feel if/when people talk shit about them? it doesnt feel right, does it? so then please do not do it to other artists to equally work hard in their careers.

im going to stop it here before i go on a long ass rant.

thank you for reading.


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