+ 하나

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+ 하나 (one)

i left him a note wedged in between the door of his locker for him to see. i still remember that day more vividly than others because it was by far the biggest mistake of my life.

it was a love note--a confession--where i let him know how much i liked him after years of keeping it a secret. i poured out my heart on a sheet of paper and asked him to meet be on the football field after school if he felt the same.

he showed up right on time, and i actually believed it would go well. i actually believed he might actually like me.

"you showed up." i whispered shyly, eyes trained on my shiny black school shoes.

i couldn't look at him out of fear of what his reaction would be. but he was there. it had to mean something.

it wasn't until he started talking that i knew his true intentions.


let the jerk fest begin! lol

jin is honestly going to be such a big jerk from the start of this story, but i hope you all like it anyway because im working very hard on this. which as i mentioned a billion times probably, is just a little side project. 

my main focus is on my exo fics.

have a wonderful weekend everyone!

-clary xx

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