chapter twenty six || "we didn't even order"

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brad's pov

"So." James drags out from the opposite side of the booth. "You and McGuiness?" He raises an eyebrow.

I look down and slump back into my seat, knowing at least one of them would ask this dreaded question. I know Tristan already knows, as much as he tries to deny it. Olivia told him, she couldn't keep secrets when it came to him and it was cute in a way but it also meant Tristan knew every detail about me and that was, well not so cute. I told Liv everything, it was like she was the only person I could trust.

I just shrug, acting like I didn't know what he meant and that it wasn't as big of a deal as it actually is. I'm so pathetically in love with that girl it's mental.

We were also currently in the cafe she works in and it happens to be one of her shifts and I didn't want her to hear us talking about her. I look around to see her behind the counter, glaring at someone who most likely asked for the most difficult thing on the menu and explained exactly how they liked it done. She often complained about these people, and she often didn't give them what they asked for. Much like her giving me ice when I specifically ask for no ice. Just looking at her brought a smile to my face.

"No idea what you're talking about." I lie, my eyes not leaving her once.

"Okay, so how come you had sex with her last week?" My eyes quickly go back to him.

"I didn't have sex with her." I snap, glaring at him to keep his voice down.

He smirked, having hit a nerve in me. Lauren asked me to keep us quiet and that was exactly what I was going to do. Hell, if the girl asked me to murder someone I would do it with no questions asked.

"You were in a very suggestive position if I remember correctly."

"She was cold." I shrug, an obvious lie as I was fidgeting in my seat at the mere thought of her body being pressed against mine in that intense of a situation.

I see her walking over to us, a miserable look on her face. A smile reached my face and I could practically feel my eyes brighten at just the sight of her. She looked beautiful, her hair thrown up in a messy ponytail and no makeup on her face. Her glasses were placed on the top of her head, only placing them on her nose when she needed them.

"What do you want?" She asks us, flipping her notepad open.

"A smile maybe." I joke and she gives her most fakest, largest smile she could muster up before it instantly drops and I find myself laughing at her attitude. "Come here." I move along the booth and she throws herself next to me, her head resting on my shoulder and my arm instantly snaking itself around her waist.

"This shift is so aggravating. I've had five people ask for a certain amount of ice in their drinks and complaining that their drink is too cold. Don't ask for fucking ice then. Three people have brought their chips back saying they're too salty, like hun you put the salt on yourself. I've had a kid tell me that they love me so I gave them a free desert and for it to come out of my wages. I've had a million boys hit on m-"

"Who?" I ask, jealously over taking me.

It was expected that boys would flirt with her during shifts, I mean just look at her, but it really pisses me off as I've just got her and it feels like she'll be ripped from my palms the minute I look away.

"No one. Anyways, James, how are you and Kirstie." She asks, avoiding my question and I immediately know it's someone I know.

"Non-existent at the moment." He says, looking at mine and Laur's position.

It was, once again, a suggestive one and we most definitely looked like a couple. With her cuddled into my side and me holding her tightly against me. I understand why he's so curious, but then again I am too.

"Why? I liked her." Lauren complains, acting like it would also ruin her and James' now ex-girlfriends relationship, I couldn't wait until she figured out the reason why.

"I just sort of got feelings for someone else." He murmurs and she launches forward, her hands pressed against the table as she stares at him expectantly. She looked like she was interrogating him.

My hand falls to the bottom of her back, tracing circles as I smirked at James. Who was in the hot seat now.

"Katie." He quietly says.

"Oh. Good luck with that." She says, letting herself fall back into the seat.

"What why?"

"I'm pretty sure she's gay." Lauren says, like it didn't totally just crush James' heart.

"No she isn't." He argues with her, refusing to believe that his crush does not in fact like bacon.

"Yes she is, she told me." Lauren tells him. "She was scared that she lead you on." I knew she was trying to stop herself from laughing. "She likes Megan."

My eyes roll at the name, flashbacks of the days I wasn't completely under Laurens thumb and did shag everything with a pulse; just like she said I did.

"Apparently she moans like a sheep though." I begin spluttering, wondering how on earth she would know that unless- for gods sake, Olivia.

"Yeah, I know about every little thing you've said about a girl. I'm just kidding, it was only to get under his skin. Go for it, she's never been in a relationship or anything though. Anyways, I'm bored of you now. I'll bring your drinks over in a sec." Hopefully she doesn't know everything, as all the cons about every single girl I have had sex with was that they weren't her.

"We didn't even order."

"You guys come her every day and get the same thing every time. Coke with ice yeah, Brad?" She smiles, gently but quickly kissing me on the cheek.

She knows fine well I don't like ice in my drink, for the fine fact it does make the drink too cold. Was I going to take it back because I know she purposefully messed up my drink? No, I was going to drink it and let her each and every time put a lot of ice in my drink.

"You are so whipped." James laughs, slouching back in his seat.

"I love her so much man."

"Hold up, the Brad Simpson is in love?" He asks, leaning forward. "What happened to Brad the lad? The Brad that never caught feelings, the Brad that didn't care about anyone?"

"I met her." I simply say.

"Didn't you guys used to hate each other, like didn't she give you a cactus to fuck yourself with and now you're fucking her?"

"James, feelings change and I'm not fucking her."

"You want to be though."

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