chapter twenty four || "olivia!"

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flashback and Olivia's pov

From : whoren
bitch ,,, u ok?

To : whoren
Yeah, u slamming ur head on the table when he gave us a test and getting sent out made my day

From : whoren
im glad, me heads fucking killing tho and brads here too lmao im gonna fight him

To : whoren
Tell him I said hi

From : whoren
i told him to fuck off instead, anyways ive been called in see u at break hunny buns

I smiled at her text messages, always seeing if I was okay which of course I wasn't; right now she was the only reason I was still here, I loved her so much and I was absolutely desperate to see if Brad grows balls and finally tells her how he feels. I also wanted to see Lauren finally realise what she feels for him, she tries to deny it and hide it but I can see she has feelings for him. I don't even think she knows herself yet.

It's the way she's always looking at him, always talking about him and always finding a way to talk or to touch him. I mean yeah, the only way she touches him is to hurt him and the only words that leave her mouth to him and about him are insults but I see past all them. I know her better than she knows herself, I also know that arguing with Brad is the highlight of her day as she doesn't exactly have the best life in the world.

On the other hand, she does. Everyone loves her, the boys are obsessed and as are the girls. Everyone wants to be her friend, everyone wants to be her boyfriend/girlfriend and everyone just wants to know her. I don't blame them, she is the most amazing person I have ever met. I mean, Brad Simpson who literally feels for nobody, nor cares about that many people is head over heels in love with her. She has something about her no one can resist.

Somedays I can't even believe that she's my friend, me of all people. The girl who's pathetically in love with somebody's boyfriend, the girl who isn't the most amazing person to look at (even though Lauren strongly disagrees, especially when she's drunk) and isn't whatsoever popular.

Then again I can't picture what not being best friends with her would be like. The crazy stories and memories we have, the inside jokes and the fake insults. We were the perfect match, she is my soul mate.

I remember all the times we have gotten drunk together, her more so than me. The day she proposed to me, insisting she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with anyone but me and we got lost in the forest trying to find a church. We didn't find it in the end so we married ourselves, technically it's not legal but it matters to us. All the slag off sessions we have had, it mostly her dragging Brad down to the pits of hell. I wouldn't want anyone else as my best friend and I couldn't picture a life without her in it, anyways it wouldn't be a life worth living; much like this one, she just makes everything better.

She was drop dead gorgeous, nobody could deny that. Her blonde, curled locks that always fall down her shoulders in just the right way. All the freckles covering every inch of her face, each one added with perfection. Her smile could light up a thousand lives, that's what Brad said anyways and I think it describes it very accurately because it certainly lights up mine. She was everything and more, her personality intensifying her beauty.

"Olivia!" I hear Brad call my name as I walk out of my class, having spent most of it thinking about my best friend and how lucky I am to have her.

I turn around and smile at him and as I turn around I see Lauren pressed up against the lockers by one of the many guys that fancy the pants off of her.

"Doesn't Lauren look beautiful today. I mean she told me to go fuck myself with a toothbrush and then handed me one, but she said it with beauty." He gushes, obviously not aware of what was going on behind him.

"I guess that's going in the Lauren shrine." I laugh and he goes bright red as he begins walking next to me.

"I don't have a Lauren shrine." He mutters and I playfully roll my eyes.

I feel bad for him, he's never felt like this towards a girl before and for him to make her "hate" his guts and say all this rude stuff to him and for him to carry on falling after each and every insult, desperate just to hear one "fuck off" or "stop staring at me, mushroom head" or my now new personal favourite; handing him a toothbrush so he can fuck himself. He was addicted to her and it was far from healthy.

"Oh, by the way we're now avoiding Megan."

"Why?" I question, I actually quite like her.

"I shagged her and she moans like a sheep." He grimaces and my eyes roll but I also now have the reason Lauren was all over the boy; she saw them leaving the cupboard.

I already knew as soon as Brad went back to his friends, back to Tristan, I would hear all about how much of a slag he is and how she would never touch him again in risk of gaining an STD and then five minutes later touching his arm in a subtle way.

"I'll write it down on our list." I make mental note, having the list full of girls Brad has had sex with reasons he doesn't like any of them and reasons why we have to avoid them like the plague causing me to lose many friendships. An occurring con on this list, written down next to every name is that they aren't Lauren.

It was sickly cute how much he was into her.

"Olivia!" Lauren sings, coming up and hugging me from behind and I look to my side to see Brad drooling over her. "And you're still here because?"

"Just getting Liv's opinion on what technique I should use to fuck myself."

"May I suggest fucking off and asking your personal arse lickers, hey maybe they can do that for you."

"Maybe they can do that for you!" He retorts in a mocking voice which Lauren responds with incoherent words also in a mocking tone.

"See you later, Liv." Brad rolls his eyes but I know that on the inside he was jumping for joy that she was speaking to him.

"Why don't you just shag her like you do everybody else." And there we have it, the jealousy.

I sigh as I walk and sit on the bench (the same one I had realised what I was going to be doing the following day), waiting for Lauren to rant to me and for their squabble to end. A lot of words that should not be repeated being said and a few pushes from Laur.

"Maybe I should have given you a cactus instead." And of course she reaches into her bag and brings out a cactus, rehearsing each argument her and Brad partake in and being that little bit extra.

He looks at her with furrowed eyebrows as he takes the cactus out of her hands, examining it like it was some out of this world object.

"You're fucking weird."

"And you're fucking off." And so he does, he begins slowly walking away not without glancing behind him in confusion with the cactus still firmly in his hands.

Their arguments were the most entertaining thing on this planet. You never know what to expect with them.

"Can you believe him? Shagging Megan? That's an all time low, like he must be riddled with STD's."

From : Brad

I laugh and shake my head at the two whilst listening to Lauren, they were so desperate to be with one another and they were so meant to be together.

And I was going to miss them both, so much.

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