1 - a great tracker, trapped!

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"Kenna, princess wake up" I said with a soft voice tapping her body that was currently sleeping. She slowly rose and said still half asleep "give me a couple minutes to get ready and then I will come to deck" I backed off and let her get ready, I closed the door behind me and headed to top deck. Smee said cautiously "captain, are you sure it's safe for kenna to be here. Especially with him here" I corrected him by saying "my daughter will be fine, she knows about Pan and anyway she will have to keep by me because we can't take risks. This is neverland after all"


I put on my dress and headed up deck to see papa looking out his telescope at the glorious island there before me. I made my way to papa saying with a welcoming grin "good morning papa. Are we going on the island today?" He put down his telescope and said putting his hands on my shoulders "I'm sorry love, it's too dangerous for you" my happy face literally just turned sad, I am never aloud to leave the ship except for when I'm in the enchanted forest. I shouted "you don't let me go anywhere, I can kope with dangerous." He sighed and said giving in "fine we leave in a couple minutes but there is one rule. YOU MUST stay with me at all times, understand?" I nodded with a big smile because i won, if he think I'm going to stay with him when we are there; he's wrong.

We landed on the island and papa helped me out of the rowing boat. It looked a bit less beautiful up close than far away but that didn't stop me from wanting to explore, but before I had placed one step in the forest; papa grabbed my arm and shoved him near me saying "remember what I said. You must stay with me at all times" I rolled my eyes as us two walked along the leaves and twigs scattered on the floor. I noticed papa stood in a rope which had now lift him up in the air and hanged him upside down, instead of being worried and helping him down; I stood there and laughed while saying "a great tracker, trapped!" Hook shouted "KENNA LET ME DOWN!" I replied with a smug smile wiped all over my face and said "it seems I don't know how to let you down so I guess you will just have to stay up there forever, bye papa I'm going back to the ship" and with that said, I did head back to the ship.

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