4 - answers

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I paced my papas office, finally words came out of papa but the wrong ones "could you stop that love? Your giving me a terrible headache" I needed answers not symptoms of how he's feeling. I bursted out slamming my hands on the desk "what was that all about? Who's that Pan guy and what did he want?" Papa looked terrified of me and my firey eyes, he sighed and explained "years ago, when you were a tiny baby. Me and your mother visited neverland, one night you were missing; we looked everywhere except the island. When we got onto the island, Pan was holding you and you had the biggest, sweetest smile on your face while sleeping. Pan told us of a prophecy that happened the moment you two touched, on your 16th birthday you will fall into a sleep like death and the only thing that can stop it is if you kiss pan but you get all of his power and magic which makes him die." I was so confused, papa continued even more like there was no tomorrow "he's going to try and kill you so he can get all of your magic and power also for him to stay alive." I rubbed my eyes, this must be a dream, right? I asked "who is this pan then?" Suddenly out of nowhere a boy my age springs up from behind me and says "you said my name" I drew my sword and replied "who are you and why are you on my fathers ship?"
"This is your fathers? So hook, she is your daughter? Pity you lied, you know we could have talked about this" two boys stormed through and took me by both arms practically lifting me off the ground and taking me off the ship.

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