2 - mysterious boy

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The next day, papa still didn't come back so I decided to go look for him; he's not going to be dead mainly because my papas special skill is to be a survivor; so is mine. I trudged among the forest but it didn't really look the same, I heard footsteps so I brung out my dagger from my shoes; it was so dark I couldn't see anything. I heard a voice, it definitely wasn't papa;  he said "well aren't you just a gem?" I looked around as I saw no one, all I saw was darkness. I shouted "who are you? Show yourself mysterious person" he replied still not showing himself "now what's the fun in that?"
"Im looking for someone"
"My papa, Captain Hook?"
"Your his daughter, heh?"
"Yes now I must go back to the ship, I'm pretty sure he's back there. Nice to meet you mysterious boy." And with that I left the dark clearing and back to the ship, as I got onto to wooden planks I saw papa anxiously waiting for my quick return; he ran up to me and tightly hugged me till there was no breath left inside of me. He said "I'm so glad your back love"
"I went to go find you, but on my journey back; there was a boy. He didn't show his face but his voice seemed so familiar." Papas face turned from relieved to angry, he shouted "MR SMEE please take my daughter to her chamber and lock the door then you may resume with your chores" smee pushed me into my room and walked out, I ran to the door but when i reached it; I heard the lock click.

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