A squeaking sound made both me and Jack jump. I looked to where it came from and saw Baby Tooth tucked into the shoelace of my shoe. I couldn't help but laugh slightly. I loosened my laces so that she could get out. Once she did, I carefully picked her up and placed her in Jack's hand.

"How did you get there? I didn't even know," I asked with a smile. Baby Tooth smiled back and tapped the side of her beak. Soon after, Baby Tooth sneezed.

"Sorry, all I can do is keep you cold," Jack said.
"Pitch was right..." he said, "I make a mess of everything."

There was silence for a few moments following. Baby Tooth crawled along Jack's arm and went into his hoodie's front hand pocket.
"Hey," Jack murmured. Jack sighed and closed his eyes. He leaned against the wall of the fissure, looking like there was nothing left to do. Like there was nothing we can do.

I looked up towards the entrance of the fissure and saw the moon, shining down brightly onto us.

"Jack?" A voice called, but it was weird, it sounded echoey and like it came from inside the fissure, but there was no one here but Jack and I.

"Jack!" The voice called again, but this time it was accompanied by a humming sound. Jack jumped backward in shock as his pocket started glowing with golden light. He pulled the tooth box out of his pocket.

"Jack!" The voice once again called out. Baby Tooth crawled out of Jack's pocket and up onto his arm. Jack looked at the box, then at Baby Tooth. The small tooth fairy nodded at Jack and put her minuscule hand on the golden box.

Jack paused for a second, but soon put his hand on the box. As soon as he did, reality seemed to disappear from his eyes as his mind was transported to another time period. Baby Tooth crawled from Jack's arm and onto the ground next to him.

I pulled the block of ice away from my bruised head. I looked around for a part of the fissure where I could see my reflection. I saw a clear part of the ice just behind me. I shuffled over to it and looked at my reflection.

I had a huge purple and blue bruise starting from my temple to my cheekbone, and a small cut on my cheekbone. It was still slightly swollen, but it had probably gone down significantly because of the ice. I gently touched it with my finger, only to flinch away as I made contact with the tender bruise.

After a couple of minutes, Jack gasped, still gripping his tooth box. Baby Tooth and I stayed silent. Jack looked down at the tooth box, then at Baby Tooth, then me.

"Did you see- Did you see that?" Jack asked us. Baby Tooth and I shook our heads simultaneously. Jack laughed as he picked up Baby Tooth and shuffled over to me.
"It- it was- it was me! I had a family! I had a sister! I saved her!" Jack laughed as he told us about his past. I smiled at his excitement.

Realisation seemed to spread across Jack's face as he gazed up at the moon.
"That's why you chose me..." he whispered, "I'm- I'm a Guardian!"

I couldn't help but smile. We could have a chance now! Jack stood up, still gazing at the moon. He put Baby Tooth in his hood, then took my hands and pulled me up.

"We have to get out of here," Jack stated, looking around the walls of the fissure. His eyes soon landed on his broken staff. Jack skidded over on his knees to his staff and picked up the two pieces in his hands. He tried to fit the pieces together, but nothing happened.

Jack groaned in frustration and stood up. This time, he slammed the two pieces of his staff together and focused. There was silence for a couple of seconds before we could hear a crackling kind of sound.

All three of us looked up at the staff to see a bright blue light being emitted from it. Jack smiled and focused even more. The light got so bright I had to look away.

After a few seconds, the crackling sound stopped and the bright light had diminished. We all looked up at Jack's staff, which had been completely repaired. Jack laughed, jumping around. All of a sudden, Jack picked me up bridal style and blasted off into the air.

My grip tightened around Jack.
"I thought you were okay with flying?" Jack asked, laughing.
"When I could fly if I fall, yeah!" I replied, having to raise my voice over the wind. Jack laughed again.

"I gotcha!"


Jack had flown to Pitch's lair. He set me down beside the small globe in the main room and then flew off. He proceeded to unlock all of the cages containing the Baby Teeth. Jack soon unlocked the all cages. He flung open the door to the last cage.

I glanced down at the floor of Pitch's lair, and saw my knife laying on the floor, waiting for me. I walked over to it and grabbed the handle. I wiped the dust and dirt off of my knife onto my shorts and walked back over to where I was standing. I holstered my knife.

"Come on, let's go!" He yelled, but the Baby Teeth stayed put. Their wings were crumpled and unmoving. Not one of the Fairies moved from their spot.

I turned to look at Pitch's globe, with lights of the believers of the Guardians. There must have been only 20 lights left, extinguishing fast. Panic and dread flooded through me.

"Jack?!" I called out. I shouldn't have trusted my voice as it shook.  Baby Tooth pointed down at me. Jack looked down at me and the globe. He had the same look on his face.

"The lights..." he muttered. Jack flew down to the globe. He went around the globe, looking at the diminishing lights.
"They're all going out," Jack stated. We both watched as the 20 lights gradually became 5, 4, 3, 2...

I turned away from the globe, unable to watch as the last of the believers, the last of our life source, was completely destroyed. Baby Tooth, still on Jack's shoulder, squeaked at me, with a hopeful smile on her face.

I turned to look at the globe. There was one last light that refused to go out. Jack hopped up onto the globe, kneeling over the last light. A look of realisation and a hopeful grin spread across his face.



The Tiger Lily - A Rise of the Guardians FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now