The last one to visit me was Sofia. She was tall,slender and of course,gorgeous. She reminded me of the stereotypical gang member . Dark features,tight leather suit,perfect body,piercing eyes. But that was all a show. I found out she was one of the kindest people here,maybe on the planet. If I wasn't locked here,I would've proceeded to become friends with her. 

On one of my sulking days, someone burst in my room

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On one of my sulking days, someone burst in my room. My immediate reaction was to scream. It was until they got closer that I noticed it was Lilah. She looked me up and down,scrunching her nose in disgust. Normally I would've cared. But now, all I could do was stare. 

"Get up

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"Get up. We have stuff to do." she notified me. 

I stayed in my bed. Her look hardened. 

"I said, Get up." She said again.  I crossed my arms and a small smirk played on my lips. I was finally thankful for some small emotion that flashed through. Even if it was negative. 

She suddenly stepped forward and pulled my bedspread off in one swift tug. She pointed to the restrooms. 

"Hit the showers. You smell like a frog." I decided to take advantage of her small piece of anger. It was the least I could do. 

"Wow, You're strong. All that shooting must've really helped with that." She scowled and looked at me wondering what I was digging at. Now I was happy. I was happy that I was showing them some sort pain and anger they inflicted on me and my family. The thought of them drove me further. I stood up. 

"You know all that murdering. All those lives you must've killed to get all that lovely money. But you don't care, Do you ?" I looked at her and stepped forward. Innocently putting my hands behind my back. She clenched her fist. Bingo. I hit a nerve. 

"It's the money that makes you feel good isn't it ? All that money,all those drugs. Makes it all worth while. " I paused and looked at her with wide eyes and mock shock . "You look like you came from a rich family." I said pointing to her golden earrings and ring. I don't know what made me think that but I'm guessing it was spot on. Because she turned from her usual tan tone to a deep red. 

I took a final leap. Not caring about my outcome.Enjoying my random accusations to much to stop. I leaned in near her ear. 

"You killed them,to get their money didn't you ?" I whispered and stood back to look at the monster I had created with just a couple of sentences. 

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