|| Chapter 6 ||

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I didn't notice the time when a figure walked into my room,it was dark out and I was still in the same place they left me. I hadn't really slept,my eyes were still threatening to close and my heart was still enormously heavy. It was Booboo,he slowly held me up and my legs gave out for a second but I regained them quickly.

 He held onto my handcuffs as he led me out the room and I didn't protest,I couldn't. He led me to a large room,very large but it was dark. He turned and looked at me with brown sad eyes.

"What is this ?" i asked groggily. My heart skipping tiredly. He looked at the floor.Then at me,slowly as if he had the weight of the world on his head. 

"This is your punishment."

I looked at the dark empty room. The ceilings were high but that was all I could tell. It was pitch black,I couldn't even see how far back it went. 

How did she know this was my fear ?

I looked at him with scared eyes and I started walking backwards which meant he was lunged forward with me due to his grip on my handcuffs. 

"No no please ! I'm sorry ! I won't do it again ! No !" He looked even guiltier now. I tried to pull my handcuffs away but I was to weak and he was to strong. Tears somehow found their way up again.

I thought I was empty.

I collapsed on the floor.

"Please..." was all I could say through my tears. I couldn't make out his face through my grogginess but when he told me to stand up,his voice was suddenly groggy as well. He led me to the door and I tried to fight but he put me in front of it and he unlocked my handcuffs,as soon as he did I was ready to try one more time but he pushed me in and I landed on my hip.

The only light left was from the door. And he held it open.

"Please leave it open ! I won't run ! " I screamed in the ugliest way possible. He shook his head sadly and quickly shut it and I was left in the pitch dark. My heartbeat quickened. My head began spinning. I tried to get up and find something,anything to touch but there was nothing. I tried to grasp onto something,anything but the tears only made this 10 times worse. I tripped on a rug of some sort but luckily didn't meet the floor. 

"Please ! Booboo I'm sorry ! " I yelled but no one answered or opened the door to my dismay. I walked a bit forward and I hit the door. 

 I felt my way to the handle and clumsily tried to open it but it was obviously locked. I suddenly felt even heavier than before and my heartbeat quickened if that was possible. 

This was always one of my biggest fears. Being alone,in the dark never able to see beautiful trees or feel the whimsical air dancing between my curls. No windows,With no one listening, and no one to help me. 

 I let myself fall. I hit the ground and it was painful but there was nothing I could do. I was living my biggest fear. Being alone,in the dark,never payed attention to,weak. And I couldn't control it. I cried,I cried and I cried and I tried to scream but it didn't come out as planned. It came out like a whisper. 

I cried and I sobbed. Until the darkness engulfed me and I seized my crying and my heart calmed down for a bit. I thought about how Roland used to come to me when he was frightened at night. 

"I heard something in my closet." was what he claimed. I would always smile and let him in my bed. I would cuddle his small similar brown curls into my face. He always smelled like clean laundry,then i'd proceed to cuddling to play with his small hand until we both fell asleep. 

I felt a twinge of pain in my heart due to my current circumstances but overall,I felt a little better. I felt like I was floating. Due to all the crying,my body never got a chance to recuperate. It was now taking it's toll on me. 

I closed my eyes and hugged my knees to my stomach. 

"At least cover your waist so you won't get a tummy ache"

My mom's voice echoed. Another stronger twinge of pain but I smiled nonetheless. Before the heavy feeling of my eyelids made it's way throughout my body,I let a string of reassuring words into the air. Silently hoping they'd reach them somehow. 

"I love you all."

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