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"well this is bad" fiddling with the bracelet around my hand i worriedly look up to where they had vanished.

"yeah, but first before we go charging off i do believe that we deserve a proper explanation" Stood with her hands on her hips Tecna raises a eyebrow.

"and i would like to know what going on between you two" Stella points to Gantlos and i "and you two" turning on Annagen and Aisha she points at them, Gantlos and i move apart blushing. "and Musa, Bloom and you two"

"and we will give you an explanation but first we should get out of sight" as Aisha finishes her sentence we all vanish and reappear in a ally way.

"good now talk" arms crossed the specialists and the two fairy's wait expectantly.

"well i supposed it had all started when we where kidnapped" Aisha starts and we hurriedly explain how we had gotten our dark magic and the wizards had gotten good magic. And about Zeke and how he had been controlling the wizards and that the wizards where actually really nice and taught us how to control our powers. We explained how we had to do missions for him and that our last mission was to give him information of the magic schools. then finally i explained how Aisha, Bloom and Musa had hooked up with the guys, receiving a complaint from Organ that him and bloom weren't dating

"wow, that quite a story" was all Brandon could say.

"yes, and right now we need to be going to save Alfea"

"wait" Timmy yells before they could teleport again. "don't you think that we should make a plan of sorts before we go charging into battle?" Aisha looked like she wanted to argue but bit her tongue.

"so what do you know about this evil magi and how do we get it out of them?" the wizards look at each other worriedly.

"theoretically one way to get rid of the magic and have them still living and breathing afterwards was the same ceremony that we did." Organ explains. 

"but the ceremony can only be done on a full moon and the last full moon was last night." Duman finishes.

"what's the other choice?"

"the other choice? we forcefully take their magic and their survival during that would be a low chance." a silence falls over the group as every one thinks.

"Zeke has something planned, i don't know what but it's going to be big and he needs Alfea to do it" the words are out of my mouth before i know what i'm saying.

"well there's only one way to find out what he wants." Aisha gives me a strong nod and i return it.

"is everybody ready to fight?"

from the moment that we arrived at the school we could see the damage that they had already done, most of the older fairy's where fighting. when we arrived headmaster faragonda almost immediately noticed us and hurried over from where she was already helping some of the younger girls escape.

"what are they doing here?" she asked glaring at the the four wizards.

"their here to help get their girlfriends back" i purposely use the word girlfriends to add extra meaning, this time no one argues.

"i feel a strong good aurora around you, but do know that if i see even the smallest thing off i will blast you back to the sorry hole you came from." she threatens. "now would some one please explain to me whats going on here?"

giving her the short run down she listens along with out interrupting.

"i think i know what he's planning" she speaks like she knows him.  "a old ceremony that intensify's one's power and if you have dark magic then it will make the dark magic consume all of your light magic and vise versa."

"so if we go along with the ceremony the darkness will consume us and we'll be evil forever?" i stop my voice from wobbling and hope that no one notices the fear in my eyes as she nods sadly.

"is he here yet?" Annagen asked, stepping in front of Aisha.

"no but i can already feel him trying to portle here. but his assassin is here." she turns to show the guy who had started all of this mess by destroying the necklaces.

"he's mine" i growl and storm off. "you guys work on taking down Bloom and Musa and stopping Zeke from getting here" i order and we all run off. Gantlos looks after me like he wants to follow but he doesn't, knowing that this is my fight.

walking up behind him i grab his shoulder she turn him around, then out of the blue i swing a wicked punch and send him flying back.

"i didn't think that you where one for physical fighting" he comments as he pulls himself up. "but if that's how you want to play then i'll happily play along" he charges at me and we start a dance of punches and kicks.

by the time i had managed to get out of his space i had a cut lip and most probably a black eye. panting i fling my arm out and send out a powerful blast that would have send him flying had he not have ducked out of the way.

three sharp ninja stars come flying my way and i only just manage to dive out of the way and avoid and fatal damage, instead i only managed to receive a slice to my side and one to the cheek. this is how we go, i'll fire at him and most of the tie he would duck and dodge out of the way, a couple of time's he wasn't so lucky and i got a hit, wounding him.

a scream catches my attention and seeing this as a distraction he fires off a strong blast and pushes me back and to the ground. but still my attention isn't on him but on Aisha as she grips her head. ditching the fight i was having i race over to her.

"Aisha!" calling out for her i skid down onto my knees in front of her."Aisha" she looks up at me with watery eyes.


"yes its me" she squeezes her eyes closed.

"i- i'm so-o-ry" she hiccups. "i can hold on any longer, their in my head" taking a strangled deep breath i smile softly at her.

"it's not your fault." i whisper before a strong dark blast rockets off of her and sends me flying (again) into a pillar.

everything goes blurry and when i open my eyes i can only just make out the figure as it creeps towards the center of the school. blinking i try and focus by the pain in m head from where i had hit it was not helping. the figure bends down and places a gem in the middle of the circles on the floor.

another figure tackles him and the Gem is left half sticking out of the ground, not properly pushed in. blinking through the pain i push myself up on shaky hands and stumble over to where the Assassin had just pushed his attacker away and was now scrambling to get back to the gem. doing the only thing i thought possible i lung forwards and land on top of him, summoning the last of my energy to teleport us away.

when we appear again i and roughly pushed off of him as he angrily stands up. black spots fade in and out of my vision as he sends a angry kick to my stomach, breaking a couple of ribs.

"you B****" he screams and yanks me up roughly. dragging me along behind him, through my blurry vision i spot a cliff edge and silently i know my fate. holding me up by neck he holds me out and over the long drop. "your strong, powerful, you could have been something with us" fire in his eyes he lets the last message set in before letting go and dropping me down. 

as the wind whistles past me the only thing i can think is that i had never gotten to tell Gantlos how much i loved him. a picture of him forms in my head and i smile for the last time before i make contact with the ground and everything goes black.

kidnapped loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora