Mysterious Stranger

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the guys wern't there when we arrived so we just decided to just choose a table and chilled there, not more then a minute later that Aisha left, supposedly to go talk to Roxy but i had seen Roxy on the other side of the room to where she was walking.

not long after Aisha had left did the boys start coming to our table, first it was Duman, commenting on how nice Musa looked today. then it was Organ who said bloom had a nice taste in drinks. the Gantlos who commented on taste of music.

it went on like that until the boys arrived, because then after that they stopped and avoided our table.

"wheres Aisha?" Timmy exclaims looking around.

"she said she was going to the beach but" everyone starts to look around and i stand up.

"i'm go see what she is doing" excusing my self i leave the table and follow the direction i saw Aisha going in. 

walking behind the bar i spot the five of them huddled together looking around warily. none of them see me coming so i creep up behind Organ and but in.

"Anything interesting happening here?" he jumps and spins on me like hes been electrocuted.

"god, don't do that Flora" biting back a laugh i settle for just smiling widely at him.

"we where just discussing the mysterious assailant." my smile falls and i lower my voice.

"any theory's?" i am met with shaking heads. "me neither"

"just keep and eye out, if you see him don't chase after him alone" Aisha and i both roll our eyes at Anagen's worrying.

"anyway, the rest where wondering where you'ed got to" mentioning over my shoulder Aisha's face falls.

"great, as much as i love watching Musa and Bloom squirm, it gets quite boring when your all acting so coupley" slipping past the boys she follows me out.

leaving the back of the bar we slip and dodge past the bodies of people, only to walk right into Musa who's on the way back from the stage.

"musa!" catching her i stop her from toppling into a random guy.

"whoa! sorry" the hooded man only grunts in reply before stalking off. Aisha grips my arm, her nails digging into my skin.

"look" pointing tot he guy i narrow my eyes at him and gasp in realization.

"its the guy from last night" turning Musa around she only catches the back of him as he blends in with the dance crowd.

"follow him" splitting up we blend in with the crowd following him.

~we found him~

Aisha sends to the boys through the group link.

spotting the hood again i change direction and follow, my eyes not leaving the back of his head. he doesn't look over his shoulder but keeps looking to the sides, walking stiffly.

"where do you think hes going?" Gantlos appears out of the crowd, right next to me.

"we have got to stop meeting like this" Gantlos just chucked and follows behind me.

"He's taking the same path as yesterday" he recalls as the hooded figure follows down the same path as yesterday. "and we're going to follow him" sighing he follows me out into the night.

"going back to the clearing"

~we've got him, by the woods on the back beach exit~

alerting the rest we wait for them to get here.

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