Chapter 4

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"Tell me, my Blue Prince, about your favorite Earth cuisines."

I smack my lips and rest my hands behind my head. "Well, that's a hard question because I love eating. Pizza, for starters, ice cream, definitely, and mama Mcclain's garlic knots." God, I miss home so much. If I somehow am allowed an out to defending the universe, whether I'm replaced or I'm no longer needed, I doubt I could go back to the Garrison. I'd just want to go back to my family. The effort of testing into such a prestigious academy loses its appeal when you're actually faced with the possibility of never seeing your family again. It's an awful feeling. Getting something you want but sacrificing something else.

Lotor, upon my request, has pulled his hair into pigtails. At first, I couldn't stop laughing. My stomach cramped up and I almost slipped off my chair. Now that we're talking, I think it looks kind of cute. With such a nice structured face, it's hard to look ridiculous even with a little girl's hairstyle. His eyes strongly remind me of Keith's, but more slanted and narrow. His cheekbones could probably cut glass and you bet your ass I'll demand we use his jawline to cut our wedding cake.

I feel so much lighter when I'm talking to him. I have so many things to hide when I'm talking to my team, but with Lotor, there doesn't have to be any secrets, except for my endeavors with Keith, which we haven't done since we had that awkward talk last time. I can tell him of my family for hours and he'll never grow bored of me talking and it feels so good to be smothered with attention and affection, even if we don't even know each other in real life. Lotor... he says his new quest to make peace could use someone like me. He says I should come with him, and holy shit do I so desperately want to. I'm going to be replaced anyway, so what better way to waste my time than with a Prince who adores me, helping him restore the universe?

"Ice... cream?" He tilts his head cutely, curiously and my heart gives a pitiful series of fast beats. "Is it cold, like ice?"

"Yeah. It's pretty cold, but not too cold to eat. It comes in a bunch of different flavors and if you eat it too fast, your brain freezes." Lotor's expression morphs to that of horror and I quickly back petal. "No, no, not like, actually freeze, it just gives you a headache for a minute and humans call it a brain freeze."

"Fascinating!" He looks completely awestruck. It's so sweet. "Rest assured, replications of your ice cream will be made, as well as with your other earth cuisines, and you will be fed well when you are mine, my Blue Prince!"

He's always telling me how much he'll spoil me once he makes me his, which he's systematically doing. I've never been more pliant with another. Blue claims I've never been more emotionally dependent on anyone as well. He's making it all sound like a paradise. Maybe he's making me his loyal victim, but when I feel this light, I really don't care if he's feeding me lies built off of bad intentions. "I can't wait. Hunk... he's tried to turn the ship's mediocre ingredients into something edible, but lately I've just been getting tasteless food goo. It sucks."

"My love, once you are in my grasps, you will never feast on tasteless goo again! Only the best for my beloved Blue Prince. The best clothes, the finest place to rest, the best treatment from my guards and servants. Anyone who offers you less shall be imprisoned, my love!"

That's awful. That's malicious and cruel to imprison someone for offering me something that isn't up to my standards. But, my head is so sick, the thought is pulling my lips into a wide smile and I laugh and clap my hands excitedly. Why does that make me happy? Maybe it's just his dedication, or his sparkling eyes, or the way he speaks so fondly about me, praising me so confidently, worshipping me. It feels so good to be WORSHIPPED. I can't help it. I've spent most of my life feeling second best, the seventh wheel, not good enough, useless, but he's offering me everything I've ever wanted and I'm happy hearing it all, being listened to, being treated right. He wants me. And that's what I've always wanted.

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