Chapter 23: Fire and Ice (1/3)

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I heard voices murmuring up ahead long before I caught a glimpse of their sources. Stolvir walked next to me as we followed his parents to the great hall. My view was still blocked by trees as we moved through the wooded parts of the village. Nyraz and Rofar paced along in front of us, shoulders almost touching and tails bound together in a scaly, blue-green lovers' knot.

A short time later, I glanced up ahead to see the main clearing. A crowd of dragons was funneling into the great hall, filing through the open doors. The four of us soon entered the clearing and joined the line. I looked around at the rainbow-colored parade of other dragons and noticed quite a few of them were staring at me. It was such a small village, and I figured it wasn't hard to tell who the new arrival was.

There were so many distracting stimuli around me at once. As we approached the hall, I actually started to smell the food that awaited me. Mostly I inhaled the divine scent of meat. Cooked meat. "Maybe they eat cooked food sometimes in addition to raw," I wondered. Mouth already watering, I tried focusing on something else to put the aromas of food out of my mind.

More stares followed me all the way into the hall, and I didn't really mind. It wasn't as if I thought they were suspicious of me. Part of me felt like I should be more nervous, but everything was so surreal and new to me that I was more curious than scared. The others probably felt that same curiosity about me.

As I felt the dirt change to cold stone beneath my paws, I tried to look past the dragons up ahead and see what was happening all around the hall. It was obvious immediately that there had been a few additions since I had last set foot here. A broad table ran down the center of the room. It was probably close to a hundred feet long and was split up into sections that lined up to make one continuous surface.

There were no chairs. Instead, I could already see a number of dragons sitting on their back legs. It looked to be a comfortable dining position, although there was nothing yet on the table to eat or drink. Other than the table, the main room looked the same. Since it was darker outside, the magical fire-basins along the walls contributed more of the light. The flickering glow played across the mirrored rows of pillars, almost making the figures carved there look alive. Taking in the reddish radiance, combined with the excited buzz of conversation, I felt a warm ambiance throughout the room.

Absorbed in the surroundings, I didn't see when Nyraz materialized beside me. She gently nudged my shoulder and wordlessly directed me off to one side where Rofar and Stolvir were already standing. I followed her lead. "You're supposed to sit at the end of the table," she whispered. "We'll wait for everyone else to take their place before sitting with you."

"Oh, okay," I replied as I moved toward the others. "Thanks for sticking with me. I, uh, obviously have no idea what I'm doing."

I looked around a bit more as we stood just a bit off to the side, watching even more dragon families process in behind us. In the empty space beyond the pillars, I was somewhat surprised to see a what looked like musical instruments tucked away. Drums of all sizes, made of wood and animal skin, sat next to some percussion-looking implements. I also saw another instrument that had rows of wooden slats and looked something like a primitive marimba. "I wonder if those are for later," I pondered.

Soon, the hall appeared to be full, and the doors were closed. I guessed there were about fifty dragons of all ages sitting up and down the room. We took our seats, and I was left staring down the table at all the faces that peered back at me with unabashed fascination.

A series of movements at the front of the hall diverted my attention. Uldor now stood on his platform, the white expanse of his body looking like a gigantic marble statue. The clamor of hushed chatter quickly died out, and the eyes of all present fell on the clan leader.

"Hwia, tvoluüs dhovnrokyn," Uldor pronounced sonorously. "Welcome, my fellow dragons."

The dragon cast his eyes about the hall, taking a moment of silence to regard his people. After the pause, he continued. "The air grows colder, my friends, and the nights longer. These things are plain to see. Time flows on like a mighty river, carrying us all in its current.

"I make a mention of this because, as I speak to you now, there are outsiders, traitors, that seek to attack our way of life. Stay vigilant against these lies, my friends. The river cannot change its course. Nature dictates the laws of all existence and dictates our lives as well. We would do well to keep things the same and remain in harmony with nature. Those who hope to change the path of the river are foolish—this is clear to me. I implore you all to see this as well."

He paused before raising his head slightly to continue speaking. "But now I will move on to happier tidings. It is not often that we can welcome visitors to our lands, but it is time to celebrate one of these occasions. We have a new tsoävr visiting our clan."

The white dragon continued. "He is called Ayreth, and I expect you will all welcome him with open spirits. Help him learn what it is to be one of us. Educate him in the way of life that we cherish. Above all, treat him as your neighbor so he may know the protection and support that the clan provides." As he spoke, I saw many heads around the table giving me welcoming expressions.

"I have spoken enough for now," the elder dragon said. I saw a hint of levity enter his demeanor for the first time. "It is time to feast!"

The hall broke out in a buzz of cheerful anticipation as Uldor stepped from his dais with surprising agility to sit opposite me at the far end of the table. A couple of dragons hurried away to bring the food. Soon all manner of large dishes had appeared in front of us. The food was served in gigantic portions on wooden, stone, or ceramic dishes. The smells that I had picked up earlier returned forcefully, along with completely new ones.

Platters full of meat were heaved onto the table. This meat, whatever it was, had been cut into large chunks and cooked. It looked as delicious as it smelled. There were also mushrooms and root-looking vegetables as well as leafy greens and berries. Not the kind of feast I was accustomed to, but I nonetheless eyed everything hungrily.

"Just so you know, there aren't really any table manners here," Nyraz informed me. "You might see there are no utensils. Everyone simply takes what they want and spreads it out on the table. It's just something you get used to."

It was true; glancing down the table I saw the other dragons start eating in the manner she described. I decided to watch the others for just a bit longer until I made my move to eat. There were also troughs of liquid that had been placed in the middle of the table, including one sitting near me, that drew my curious gaze. Looking around, I saw dragons drinking from these common vessels. I thought it was just water, but I could smell something that made me think differently.

Stolvir noticed my quizzical look and grinned at me. Exposing his long, sharp teeth almost made him look predatory, but for the mirthful twinkle in his eye. "It's inastyk. Try it."

"That's a new word for me. What's in it?"

"Oh, it's water with wild mint leaves and some flowers thrown in for flavor. I think it's great."

"So, I just..." my voice trailed off as I looked uneasily at the drink.

"Go ahead and stick your head right in!" he insisted. As I carefully slurped up some of the water, the green dragon continued. "It's hard to believe you're really new at all this stuff. I mean, I should've guessed, but it's a little weird when this is how I've done things my whole life. What did you think?"

I licked my lips in satisfaction. The water was mild-tasting but pleasantly minty and a little sweet. "It is good! Really refreshing," I said. "But if you think it's weird for you, just imagine how it is for me."

"Good point," he nodded. "Can you tell me how humans eat their meals? My mom tells me stuff here and there, but there's so much I don't know."

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