Pranks 'N' Potions

Start from the beginning

I looked out the window to the front garden once again and was surprised to see that it was indeed dark. How long were Oliver and I just standing and sitting in this room?

"Good night Vannah, sleep well. I hope you like what I got you for Christmas," he whispered as he let me go. I looked up at him and smiled when I thought about the gift I had gotten him. I was sure he was going to love it, there was absolutely no doubt about that. I just hoped it was the right one. There were a lot of options to choose from.

"Good night Ollie," I whispered as I gave him one final hug before I finally pulled away. I turned away from my fellow Gryffindor and made my way toward the most magnificent staircase I had ever seen and started to make my way up. When I reached the top I turned to the first door on the left, which was the room that I was staying in for the duration of my visit with the Wood's.

I opened the door to see the most wonderfully decorated room that I had ever laid eyes on. Like seriously, I wish this was my room. It had a beautiful queen sized bed with a silvery-red canopy. The quilt was a rich scarlet and the sheets were a plain cream. The floor was polished hard-wood in a dark shade of brown. The walls were all cream except for one which was a deep, maroon red with a beautiful photo that moved whenever someone was in the room. I loved it, I really wish I had one for my own bedroom back home. On one side of the room there was a bay window, then a study desk, a dresser and a full length mirror. On the other side of the room there were two doors. One led to the bathroom and the other led into the walk-in closet, which I had already decided, I was practically going to live in.

I walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. I climbed in and snuggled down into the mattress that literally felt like clouds and closed my eyes. I must have been tired because I don't remember anything else.


The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed, alive and overexcited. It was Christmas, why wouldn't I be excited? I threw back the covers on the bed and threw my legs over the side and into my fluffy ugg-boots. I grabbed the dressing gown that was hanging on the back of the door and pulled it on. I wrapped it around my torso and tied it together.

I threw the door open and crossed the hall and knocked on the door that was in front of me.

"Ollie?" I called through the door as I knocked gently. I heard a slight noise and opened the door just a sliver so I could see what was going on. I walked in slowly so as not to stumble on anything I didn't want to, if you don't catch my drift, I didn't particularly feel like seeing Oliver shirtless.

What I saw next stunned me. Oliver was still asleep, arms wrapped around his pillow, his covers thrown over his legs and drool dripped from his mouth. I covered my mouth with my hand to hide the snicker that threatened to come out at the sight of the older Gyrffindor boy.

"Oliver?" I giggled slightly as I walked toward the bed. He grumbled slightly as he nestled deeper into the mattress and pulled the pillow closer to him.

I tip-toed over to his bed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Ollie, wake up! It's Christmas!!" I raised my voice slightly as I shook him gently. He mumbled sleepily and opened his eyes slightly.

"Ten more minutes, Vannah," he yawned as he moved around on his bed.

"Come on Oliver! I want to see your face when you open your present!" I snickered as that seemed to perk him up slightly. He opened one eye and looked at me through his lashes.

"You got me a present?" He asked groggily as he squinted his eye at the sunlight that streamed through a crack in his bedroom curtains.

"Of course I did! It's Christmas silly!" I laughed as I shook him even more to try and get him up and out of his comfortable haven.

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