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Few Months Later~

Uncle Donis was sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment for attempted rape and cases I honestly didn't understand. He would be spending the rest of his life suffering in jail; repenting each day for all the inhuman doings he had done. He deserved it. For making Luna be in a state of choosing between death or death - leaving her with no choice, obviously.

And the worse, Luna wasn't his only victim. Misty was found dead in an empty lot in another town after more than a couple of weeks of her absence. It was suspected that she was sexually abused and was tortured to death. Her family was still in extreme agony and I couldn't help myself burst into tears in every thought of her. She could have been a kind of a b*tch but it was all because of me. I believed that there was an angel deep inside her that needed an attention to be poured upon.

Luna's mom decided to move to another country to help herself move on and start a new life.

I was missing them both — Luna and Misty. I was still in a stage of acceptance. I was hoping that sooner, I'll be able to move on with life. I temporarily stopped schooling for counseling.

I didn't know what would happen tomorrow. I was just hoping that this would be the last tragedy I'd encounter in my life. I wanted no more. These were all too much for me that it felt like I was carrying a load that was even heavier than any of the planets in the universe.

I had no choice but to move on. Luna and Misty wouldn't ever come back no matter what I do. Besides, I would just make it harder for me if I would spend my life in total anguish.

I knew they were both happy now that justice was given to them. It was all that I could do. At least, I had the courage to spill all the truth and that was what I was grateful for. I was thankful for Ron.

It might be hard to go on with life but it would continue its journey however. And eventually, I believed that everything would be fine sooner.

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