Nine (B)

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I did not know what he wanted from me. I just ran faster than my normal speed. He was already behind me! He could almost reach me with his long arms extended to my back!

Faster! Faster! I told myself.

I needed a place to hide.

“Help! Help!”, I shouted to the top of my lungs but no one responded  No one ever gave an attention. The only people around were the mysterious man and I.

I could feel the cold sweat beneath my shirt and sweater that I was wearing. Then, drops of rain started to fall. The road was getting slippery and wet and the visibility was decreasing due to the hard rain.

Yet, I still had to run. Faster! Faster!

And then my left foot slipped and I fell into the hard and wet ground. My knees hurt so bad. I had to get up! He was just few steps away from where I was sitting in pain.

I tried to pull myself up. The shaking of my body because of the coldness and nervosity made it more difficult for me to stand up.

But then, he stopped.

Oh god.

With full force and effort, I stood up, still feeling the pain in my knee and in just a flick of a hand, I found myself standing on the sixth floor of the Claro building - the place where Luna jumped from.

Confused, steps of a running feet reached my ears. I couldn't be wrong. I wasn't safe here. The guy was chasing me. I knew he was getting near me though I couldn't see him because of the thick fog above here.

I did not know what to do anymore! There was no place to hide!

He would be able to catch me unless...

I'd jump, too, like what Luna did.

Reluctantly, I stepped my left foot to the edge of the building's top floor and then followed by my right foot.





I felt my body falling down.

I wanted to move but I couldn't.

I could almost feel the ground!

Few more seconds and I'd be dead.






“Chester, wake up!”

Mom, shaking my body, called my name loudly that it woke me up. I lifted my upper body and I was in a sitting position on my bed. I felt my whole body shiver and perspire. Drops of sweat fell down my face to my neck and chest. My back was wet as well. My heart was beating fast.

“Are you okay? You were having a bad dream,” mom commented.

I just nodded a little.

“I'll get you a glass of water. Take a rest, okay?”, she said, rubbing my back smoothly to comfort me. Then, she walked away and went down to the kitchen.

I gave myself a deep sigh of relief. I though I'd be dead. Darn it.

I decided to take a shower to cool myself off as I heard my mom put the glass of cold water on my study table and leave. Her foot steps reached my ears from the shower as they faded slowly.

Ugh. That was a terrible dream.

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