Thirteen (A)

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Heading to the class, I saw Chester standing in front of the Curse Building, examining it, unmoving. I remembered what happened few days ago in the canteen. I was so stupid, I'd admit. But I just wanted him to notice me. He has been my crush since the very start I saw him but Luna was always there to get all his attention.

Freak! I hate her!

However, the hate I was feeling wasn't the one that made me want to kill a person, though. It's just, hate. I mean, she annoyed me. She stole Chester from me.

Stole? He was never mine, though.

Every time I saw them together, it was like a giant hammer was breaking my heart into tiny pieces of heartaches. It broke the whole part of me.

Anyway, about James, he had a crush on Luna. But since she died, he started to date me. Now, he was my boyfriend. I did not like him though. I just wanted to prove myself that I could go on with life without Chester... but I began to realize that Chester was as important as air to me. I loved him.

A lot.

So much...

I approached him and called his name but it seemed as if he had seen a ghost. Anyway, he was so cute. His eyes. His lips. His nose. His cheeks. His face. His body... Crap he's hot. At least, for me.

"I just want to say sorry for what happened few days ago in the canteen," I said apologetically.

"Seriously?" he replied, unbelieving.

"I'm being serious. I say, sorry."

Seriously? Did he think I was just doing this for nothing? Gosh! Of course, I was being serious! I wanted us to become okay.

"Forgive me," I pleaded.

He did not speak for few seconds. There was an utter silence between us until he turned back and said,

"I might, one day. But that's when you can bring Luna back to me."

And he walked.

WHAT?! CRAZY! How could I even bring Luna's life back? I had to catch his attention. I wanted to talk to him more but it seemed like I was a piece of dirt in front of him that he wanted to throw.



Maybe if we'd talk about Luna, he'd stop and would turn back to me.

"Chester, I know how Luna died," I lied.

He stopped. I did not know if he was going to talk about that lie or if he wanted to slap me, left and right. But if ever he would slap me, sht! That'd be awesome! I mean, at least he would touch me. I would feel his hand on my face.

Anyway, he did not look back.

He just said, "Don't be stupid, Misty," and walked away.

I failed.

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