Typical love interest......not

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Blane woke up lying on the exact same table as before,yet strangely not hurting or well dead.

''Your awake!'''And alive so congratulations,unless I'm a figment of your imagination and your actually dead in that case wooooo im a ghostttt......buuuuut in case not lets introduce you to a few people.''

Blane rose and followed Cole out of the room.He saw gun ranges and dining rooms, along with doors with blocked access and grim guards posted outside them.

''Thats where we keep our most dangerous ...catches''

A woman with striking black hair as dark as night waled up to Blane,''Hi,i guess I'm going to be your new partner?''I'm Sorcha''

''Wait partner?i havnt agreed to anything yet,but i wouldent mind working with you,im sure with a few jobs together we could have one of those typical relationships like on all those films''Blane was just about to wink at her when she snorted and began to walk away.

''I wouldn't wish a relationship with you to my worst enemy..Blaine''

''I love a feisty attitude too Sorcha, ''Blane remarked.

BANG The smell and smoke of the shot filled the hallway and Blane tipped sideways and slumped to the cold stone floor.

Sorcha walked up to him lying in the pool of blood,the gun still smoking in her hand''feisty my ass''

Blane almost smiled as the darkness that was becoming familiar to him dripped over his eyes and all became black.

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