Stranger things to come

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''Wait so you cant die.that ,that's impossible'' .Blane couldn't stop staring at the hole in the mans chest as it rose and fell with his breathing.''Yet you don't find it strange, you fell from a skyscraper, hit the ground,yet are alive and kicking just a day later?''Cole looked at him with a grin.

''Well yeah actually,how did that happen'' ''Il make you a deal,Blane i will answer a question for everyone of mine that you answer?fair?'' Blane nodded,  ''Ok , who was the man you were fighting?''

''His name is well ummm Grim'' He tries to kill me and somehow he always knows where i am,it was the first time he beat me.''   ''My turn, who are both of you?'' Well as you know my name is Cole, I'm in charge of I.C.E and this is May,my second in command'' You are in my facility ,we have a population of about six hundred here,fighting anything not right here in our country.''

''OWWWWWW''By the way,were not immortal,we can still die horribly,or be in so much pain we wish we would die,''for instance when my good friend Cole here shot me i still died,however we can pull back from the brink.still hurts though,and if we take to much of a beating we may not come back for weeks,or ever''

''How did i do it then?''I had no training or knowledge of this?''

''Watch'' Cole smirked and Blane thought he saw a fire in his eyes but then again a sudden flash of light and blackness engulfed him and he saw or felt no more.

''Hurts doesn't it?'' 'But you will be back,and there is stranger things to come...''

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