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"Wonho? How do you look like? I'm at the airport, gate nine, just like you told me."

"Look for a boy around five feet eight. My hair is violet-ish. I don't really know myself."

"I see more tall people, but none with that kind of hair colour."

"Wait, I'll stand up. Do you see me now?"

"Yes. You are beautiful. Don't look around like that, it's creeping me out."

"It's not fair! Now you know how I look like, but I don't know how you look like!"

"I'm around six feet. Boring black hair. I've been told I'm handsome."

"I just fell three times harder. You really are handsome"

"Your eyes are beautiful, did you know? Dark brown."

"Is your middle name by any change, perfection?"

"I don't have a middle name. Nice try though."

"It's so weird to walk to you right now, you know? I'm so used by talking to you on the phone."

"Oh, fuck it."

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