•08• Video

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Recap: Dalton left the band and now there's some new kid named David who cares way too much about Spider-man.

Nobody's told me why Dalton left so today, I'm going to attempt to find out.

"Find out what?" David said behind me.

"What are you? Some sort of mind reader?" I whisper yelled as he sat beside me on the bench. We were at Collective UTH where Dana, Joni, and Fatima still had to learn the choreography for the video.

"No, silly. You were just talking to yourself." He said poking me. He gave me a cheeky smile that was oddly cute and I'm afraid that I blushed a bit.

"Oh.." I mumbled.

"So, do you want to hang sometime?" He asked me while running his hand through his hair. Woah.

This kid is really hot.

"Uh sure why not. When?" I fumbled for my phone to put his number in. My morals of getting to know the guy first, flew out the window.

"Now." He snickered.


"We know the choreography already. Do we really need to be here?" He paused before continuing; as if he was contemplating what to tell me. "I put my number in when you weren't looking." He laughed, awkwardly.

When did my phone leave my hands?

"Let's go." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"So where are we going?" He stopped to ask me once we were in his car and already on the road.

Is he serious? How could he plan a date (even though it was a random date idea that he came up with in five minutes) and then not have a realistic plan? Does he just get the girl, stuff her in the car, and leave everything to her?

"You're talking to yourself again." He told me, snickering. I smacked my forehead with my hand, highly embarrassed. As I looked at the road, I noticed that he was making his way towards 90's. It's a really cool roller skating rink...granted, I can't skate.

"Retro."I whispered.

"Totally. Can you teach me how to skate?" He asked me. I quickly snapped my head and glared him down. "Kidding!!" He surrendured holding his hands up in front of him.

"Let's go." I snapped.

"I love me some fiesty chicks." He said, licking his lips. Pig.


"How do you get beach waves in your hair?" I asked, fascinated, as I sat with Cassidy at the set where we were filming our video. We were the only two who had signed up to see it early, so I guess we get to spend "quality bonding time" or something stupid like that. Those are the words my mom uses when she makes me and my little sister, Serenity, do stuff together.

"My hair is naturally wavy like this." Cass said. She picked up the ends of her hair and started examining it.

I sat back and shrugged my shoulders. The set looked pretty nice. Well actually, it wasn't a set at all. It was at the pier. Where we stood, you could hear the waves crashing against the rocks.

The breeze rippled through our clothes and the sweet ocean smell filled our nostrils. It was all very tranquil.

"This place is so beautiful." I heard Fatima's voice getting carried away by the wind. She walked up behind us, with her hands stuck in her pockets and her sunglasses sitting atop the bridge of her nose.

"You signed up for set viewing?" Cassidy asked, skeptically raising her eyebrows. "I thought you had to learn the choreography."

"I did. Dana tripped Joni and when she fell, she pulled his foot down from under him. They started giggling and doing cute couple stuff, so I left."

"But, I thought you were dating Dana." I said, obviously confused. Fatima shook her head no and explained everything. Man, I give the girl props. She had guts. Now if only Cassidy did that for me and Cole.

"I also just ripped apart my contract. I'm not doing this stupid video." Fatima said. She seems mad. I wonder if its because Dana is with Joni now. Man, I got to talk to my girls more. "Well, see y'all around." Fatima said before leaving. She barely spent ten minutes here.

"I'm breaking up with him." Cassidy said randomly.

"What? With who?" I was caught offgaurd.

"Cole," she said. Her head hung low and she seemed suddenly interested in her vans. She pretended to wipe something off of them even though there was obviously nothing there. Suddenly it felt like the heavens opened up and answered my prayers.

"Why?" I asked trying to sound like there was no excitement in my voice, even though I was freaking out that he could potentially be single soon.

"He's hard to trust."



I combed through Emily's hair as I watched Will and Gabe from the corner of my eye. They were arguing over something pointless. Boy stuff.

I was detangling a knot when Gabe walked over to us and bent down on one knee.

He looked into the distance like there was something fascinating there, then he pulled out a ring pop. "It would be an honor if you would marry me." His eyes fixed on Emily. I started laughing and I saw Will putting a pillow to his face to prevent his laughter from being heard.

But won't that constrict his breathing?

"Nice try bud, but you have a girlfriend," Emily said patting his back. He frowned and nodded in understandment as he walked back over to Will.

"Weird." I said giving up on her hair and just letting it flow down her back as usual.

"Where is everybody anyway?" She asked turning around to face me. I shrugged my shoulders as Alaina walked in. Caroline and Alex were behind her.

"What's going on?..." Gabe asked looking nervous. Like, he just stole a cookie out of the cookie jar.

"We have some music video dropouts." Alaina said.

"So, who's left?" Emily asked.

"Just the two bands. Bella would have been kicked out, but she has a contract with us."

"Which means..." Will finally spoke up and I smiled as I looked over at him. When he came over to apologize for that "unexpected kiss" we really hit it off. Not that I'm crushing on him or anything.

"Which means some of you have to be in Call It Whatever." She said.

I automatically crossed myself off the candidate list because I was not going to get myself into anymore of this drama.

"Okay. So why did you bring Caroline and Alex in here?" Emily asked. It turns out that Will is Caroline's ride home and well, Gabe WAS in fact dating Alex.

"Are we ready to shoot?" Alaina asked clapping her hands together obviously excited.


I stood at the pier with the others as the crew was setting up the cameras.

"Dude you okay?" David asked walking up to me.

"Yea. I just hope you can keep up." I smirked.

"Pair up!" The director yelled. Basically, we were all wearing matching gray sweaters and we were just singing and acted all cutesy like. I was partnered with Joni, Will with Sabrina, Gabe with Emily, Star with Cole, and David with Dallas.

When everything was set up, the music started and we were up first. We sang along to the lyrics in perfect harmony as I spun Joni around. I fell on a bench and she fell on my lap, laughing. She honestly looked beautiful... I was missing out this whole time.

A/N: Yes, it's You and I by One Direction. For you 5ers that don't know, Dana was in Call It Whatever by Bella Thorne. Its amazing! Go watch it :)

published: 06•16•14
edited: 05•05•15

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