•04• Mean Girls

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I can't beleive we have to spend yet another day with those boys. Alaina said that we're even making a music video, with extra guest stars. Whoop-dee-doo. I said non-enthusiastically.

I grab my snapback and slip my phone into my back pocket. When I got there, all the other girls were already here and so were the boys, and Eben.

"Where have you been?" Alaina asked.

"I bet she was 'fashionably late!'" Dalton chuckled while using air quotes. I glared fiercely at him.

"Actually, I was."

"Well sit down. We need to get to business." Dallas said, being as bossy as always. I roll my eyes and pull up a chair in between her and Will .

"Well, as you all know, we will be having extra guests in our music video." We all just stared at Jill as she explained. "The extras will be the boys' girlfriends along with Bella Thorne."

"When the hail was this decision made?"

"Last night. The song is about stolen LOVE, isn't it?" Right now I really hate Eben, but I can't think about that right now, because here comes the girls.

I cringe saying that because Fatima, my ex-bff is dating Dana. So of course I'll have to be reunited with her. Ugh stupid mangers, I thought.

"Hey." All the girls said one by one as they filed in. I started counting them off: Alex, Fatima, Cassidy, and Bella.

"What the fuq is Bella doing here? You know I don't like her." Star said flatly.

"Language!" Alaina replied. "We need an extra voice so we brought her in."

"What about the girlfriends!?" Emily said glaring at Alex.

"They won't be singing, they'll just be in the music video." Eben answered.

"So I guess we'll have to introduce ourselves?" I groaned looking right at Fatima. She smirked and rolled her eyes.

Kill me now.


Alex is sitting right by me with her head resting on my shoulder. I breathe in the sweet smell of her auburn hair. So we're about to start the get to know each other circle, apparently.

I watch as Joni starts. "My name is Joni-Lynn, but call me Joni. I have obsessive compulsive disorder, which is where I do things 3 times until I feel its sufficient. I have a phobia of lead pencils, microphones and worst of all... horses. They are so big and one almost trampled me when I fell off of it when I was 5." There was a fit of giggles.

"Microphones?" Cole asked. "Your in a band, you sing, and your afraid of microphones?" More laughter.

"Well duh. Someone could really beat you up with one." She answered. "Who isn't afraid of microphones? " Of course everyone in the room raised there hands. "You guys are just little bitc-"

"Let's go." Eben said while guiding her out of the room.

"Glad she's gone. She's like a lunatic in a miniskirt and snapback." Fatima said.

"Correction Fatima. She is a lunatic in a miniskirt and snapback." Bella seemed pleased with her self.

"Back off! She's my friend!" Sabrina yelled. Sorry to say, but I thought she couldn't talk. This is the first time I've heard her say a word in the 48 hours that I've known her.

"Look who's talking. Queen of mute. All hail the majesty." Bella said. "You and your ugly hat should just shut up."

"My grandmother made this hat." She says. Then runs out of the room in tears.

"Well maybe granny needs a new hobbie." Bella said, picking at her nail polish.

"Sabbi!" Dallas says while running out after her. Well at least two out of the five girls are still here.

"I actually like her hat." Will said quietly.

"Oh please!" Bella says."It's like roadkill is the new style."

Will rolls his eyes and gets up to leave. "Whatever." He mutters under his breath.

published: 01•20•2014
edited: 02•26•15

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