Lights, Camera, Enemies

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This is the last chapter! Enjoy (:
Nick Tangorra was beyond hot. I knew who he was before, but we really never talked to him.

Thank you Alex for my new found guy friend.

During rehearsals the night before, he had walked in. His perfectness caused me to go on overload and I messed up extremely.

"Are you okay?" Dana asked me. I nodded my head yes. He shrugged and went back to his spot.

"You don't seem okay." Nick said coming from behind me. I shivered a little because he was whispering in my ear. I turned around to face him.

"How did you get here?" I asked him because I was certain that I had just seen him walk in.

"By a car?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and he gave me a hug.

"Alex wants me to take you out. I want to take you out." He mentioned when we let go.

"I want you to take me out." I smiled. Yes, this was my attempt at flirting. I wasn't sure if it was working but he didn't take back what he said...instead he elaborated.

"You have a pretty smile." I blushed, if that was possible since my skin was dark.

"She also has to get back to work." Gabe steered me to the front of the stage leaving Nick back there. I turned around and he smiled at me.

Are butterflies still possible at this point?

I glared at Gabe and he shrugged. "We're busy"

"Yea well I was talking to a hot guy." I said returning to my place.

"You still are." Gabe said. Is he calling himself hot?

I rolled my eyes and after practice I met Nick in front of the building.

"You ready to go?" He asked. I shrugged because I had no other choice.

I got in the car with him as we were on our way.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I turned the music on his stereo up and started humming along to Bang Bang.

"Movies. It's a classic date place." He said, rounding a corner.

"You are so basic."

"You seem to like basic guys." He said smiling at me. I smiled to myself, unable to say anything intelligent.

We made it to the theater and Mr. Basic, opened my door for me. "My lady." He said. I smiled to him and we walked to the ticket line to get ready to go in. "Two tickets for Mocking Jay, please." He asked the guy at the front. The guy, who's name tag read Dave, seemed to have eyes on me. He winked at me and Nick moved me behind him.

"Somebody's jealous." I said once we got our tickets.

"He had eyes on you. It was uncomfortable." Nick said. We stood in line for popcorn and when we had it, we went to theater 7.

"I'm so excited." I squealed.

"You're cute too." Nick said, making me hide my face in his sweater. The movie started an not even thirty minutes had passed when I had to pee. This is not good. I knew it shouldn't have drank all of my soda.

"Crisis." I said. Nick seemed to know what I meant.

"I'll tell you what happens." I thanked him and ran down te stairs to the nearest bathroom. I would have went in, excpet I saw Gabe standing in the hallway looking at the big standing thing of Baymax from Big Hero 6.

"Gabe?" He turned around and smiled at me.

"Emily, hey!" He said. His voice was so fake.

"You're here to watch me and Nick, arent you?" I asked him. He scratched th back of his head and gave me an embarrassed nod.

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