•03• Weird Encounters

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After practice, Alaina, Eben, and Jill left us with the boys. Apparently we need to mingle?

"YEAH!!!" Dalton screams. I practically jump out of my seat.

"What the heck dude? What was that for?" I yell, looking at him quizacally.

"Nothing. I just like the fact that We're way better than you girls." Dalton yells in Sabrina's face.

"Oh really?" The poor victim of Dalton's spit answers,"Last time I checked, we memorized our lyrics in 5 minutes. Care to explain how you guys are better?"

Ooh burn.

"Well.. um, we fart loud?" Dalton says, knowing that he won't win this battle.

Dallas applauds Dalton and then challenges him to a race. She said she can run faster than him, but she's tripped so many times.

"Weird and well, there goes Dallas." Star says. I watch her intently while she fixes her beanie. "What are you looking at?" She asks, snapping me out of my daze.

"Something ugly." Dana answers. I follow his gaze down to Joni's shoes.

"Um, actually I was talking to dreamy eyes over there." She says motioning to me.

"Oh um.. nothing." I say trying to sound cool.

"I think you need a drink." She laughs a little after that. "Why don't we go get some cokes. On me." I smile as I follow her out the door.

They are nicer than I thought. I would definetly take a free any day!


I'm looking at Joni's shoes. They are absolutely the best things in the world. The Air Jordan Oreos.

She follows my gaze down to her shoes and then looks back at me. "These aren't at all ugly. In fact in your last Ustream you said you wanted them."

"What are you doing watching our upstreams?" I ask matter-o-faculty.

"Well, what are you doing sending us questions?" She retorts. I look at her unbelievably.

"How did you-"

"I'm really actually very smart. Smarter than you even. I know what you're doing at all times. It's not stalking, it's rival senses. Care to show me your snapback collection?"

I look at her quizzacly, but then grab my stuff and follow her out the door.

I can't help but notice that on the back of the snapback is my autograph signature. I take a better look. We had a kidzbop contest years ago, and the girl's name was Joni. I slowly put the pieces together while restraining from asking her any questions.


So, Dallas, Star and Joni have all left. I'm looking around and everyone is on their phones so I pull mine out. Well this is useless, I thought. Why did I have to be such a klutz?

I heard some whispering and turned to see Gabe talking to Emily. They switched foxtails for their phones. Unbelievable!

"Emily," I said, "I thought you would never give your foxtail away."

"Well his is special edition. And it's only for a day." She smiles over at me then keeps whispering to Gabe. Only for a day.

She gets up to leave and Gabe follows suit behind her. I fiddle with my phone again, trying to avoid having to communicate with Will.

"How about I help you with that? I'm very smart." I look up to see Will. I refuse to give this stranger my phone, but since he was nice all day, I give him a chance.

"Your'e really quiet." He says looking at me. "Why is that?"

I clear my throat and start to explain. "Well I go mute only at school, but sometimes it follows me everywhere I go."

"Why at school?" This boy sure does ask alot of questions. Askin' all dem questions.

"I sit by three morons. One who thinks it's funny to make farting noises with his armpits. Another who seems to actually be farting -as loud as possible- and the third who thinks it's so freaking hilarious."

He chuckles."I think Dalton would fit in perfectly with them."

I give him a shy smile.

"It's getting late and everyone has left. Why don't I take you home?"

"Sure." I answer as I grab my stuff and head out the door.

published: 05•20•13
edited: 02•26•15

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