"Get the elf again!" I heard the head Urak-Hai command from the top of the stairs. I instantly pulled myself to the gate and watched as an orc came down the stairs, opened my cell and yanked me out. I was thrown into the wall. The sounds of the head Urak-Hai's footsteps clicking across the stone steps was heard echoing throughout the corridor of stone. I tensed up. It smirked at me.

"We'll have our conversation down here, shall we?" it's mouth wide open with a sickly smile, showing its rotten brown teeth. I stood up, supporting myself on the wall behind me.

"Where is that brat, y/n?" he glared at me. I took a step forward, pushed the orc over and snatched his weapon, killing it in the process and charged towards the head Urak-Hai.

"I said I don't know! Now die!" I yelled, our weapons clashed in the middle of the space between us.

"Sina na- an mime nosse, mime amil ar ontáro, y/n, Karla ar mime siblings. Tye shall vamme harna me anime tare! (This is for my family, my mother and father, y/n, Karla and my siblings. You shall not hurt me any more!)" I whispered into its ear as my blade pierced through its throat. I grabbed the keys off the wall and unlocked both cells.

"We need to move quickly and quietly," I said walking into the room near the stairs, I killed both the guards in there and threw everyone's weapons back to the rightful owner, I gave Karla the weapon I had picked up off the orc.

"Sorry, you don't have any weapons so this'll have to do," I sighed. She nodded taking it cautiously. We snuck out of the jail building and followed the stream of water to the sewers.

"-o ilya i things ni've seen, ni still get grossed eth at i ósanwe -o i sewers. (Of all the things I've seen, I still get grossed out at the thought of the sewers.)" Laron said disgusted as she gripped the end of her nose to prevent the smell from affecting her.

"I would just breath through your nose or you'll taste it instead," I laugh slightly as I stepped through the hole in the bars of the gate, helping the others in after me, she sighed before letting go of her nose and grabbing my hand.

After walking for about 10 minutes we got to the other side of the gate.

"Where are emme going ana linne-? (Where are we going to go?)" Samuli asked, I had been thinking about the answer to that question for a while.

"What about Lothlórien, Lady Galadriel was good friends with mother and father, I'm sure she'll give us refuge and help us find y/n," Karla remembered. Everyone nodded. We started running through the forest in the direction of Lothlórien an elvish kingdom known throughout Middle Earth.

11 days later_

"Halt!" the familiar voice of my closest friend, Haldir, yelled at us as we came into the clearing of his home, I was now using Castiel and Samuli as support, he noticed my condition and frowned, "Man are tye? (who are you?)"

"Haldir, yer- nur. -yes's me, Mirulan. Emme seek refuge ar aid. (Haldir, old friend. It's me, Mirulan. We seek refuge and aid.)" I replied weakly, upon hearing my name he quickly walked over to me and lifted my chin gently between his thumb and index finger. He studied my face for a moment before nodding.

"-yes's sanda. Get héri Galadriel! (It's true... Get Lady Galadriel!) follow me," he spoke to us softly, then calling to another elf who must've been somewhere close to us, then turning his attention to us again and leading us through the vast trees, towards the healing tree. I am laid down on a bed, my shirt taken off me and my trousers cut down to shorts.

"Take tien ana a sambe, help tien get cleaned up! (Take them to a room, help them get cleaned up!)" he ordered some elves as he looked at my wounds, I was in pain lying on them. Lady Galadriel hurries into the room, her eyes opened widely at my state.

"Manen anann have tye been ve sina? (How long have you been like this?)," she asked before pausing and looking to another elf, "Heime tye- get me some blankets ar nen! (Hey you- get me some blankets and water!)"

"Er tucsa yen maybe tare (one hundred years....maybe..more)" I managed to get out, the elves came back with towels, blankets and water. They soaked the towels and cleaned my wounds on my front and my legs, then the feeling of actual pain returned to me when they turned me on my front and started cleaning my back. I yelled out in pain, trying to move out of line with the cloth but Haldir held me down, his face was in front of mine.

"Sorry, my friend," he whispered before I blacked out.


When I awoke, I stared up to a roof I wasn't familiar with, shooting up, I expected to see blood and feel pain. But I didn't. I saw trees, I smiled when I remembered where I was. Due to the lack of pain, I decided to get up and pushed myself to my feet. I noticed that I was wearing clothes we wear in Rotml, a kind of clothing I haven't worn or seen in years.

Walking down the stairs, I'm met by the sound of a hushed discussion in another room carved into the large tree. I walked in and smiled, seeing my siblings smiling and healthy for once was enough for me to admire from a distance.

"For all we know she's dead," Karla said, I was about to step forward when someone's hand stopped me. I looked behind me to see Lady Galadriel.

"Who?" she asked, everyone's eyes turned to us.

"y/n," I replied, "they're talking about y/n. Our other sister."

"She is alive, she's with Lord Elrond, Lord Thranduil and Gandalf the Grey right now. She is safe," she told us, I smiled, as did the others.

She's made some good friends with important people. At least she's safe.

"You look well, how are you feeling brother?" Samuli asked me, I turned to him.

"I am feeling like I never left... home. Thank tye (thank you)" I said, turning the last part towards Lady Galadriel who nodded in response and beckoned me to sit with them.

"We will be seeing y/n soon, don't fret!" I said before eating, I paused and looked to my siblings who gave me a curious look, "We're going to get her. Then we'll return home, even if there's nothing there to return to."

Everyone beamed and nodded before beginning to eat as well.

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