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" mistletoe - for dallas "

Everyone's gatherin' around the fire,

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Everyone's gatherin' around the fire,

Despite having known Trea for all of one week, Dallas had a feeling that whatever this was that they had could be so special. Who knows? Maybe, this time next year, there would be a ring on her finger and vows on the horizon, rising with the winter sun.

Alright, she was getting ahead of herself but so what? The snow that covered Washington D.C. always made a romantic of her, and she'd never had a boy as cute as Trea on her arm before. It was a sort of perfect storm of sorts, and she wasn't complaining.

Trea had surprised her with a text earlier in the day that said: Let's go somewhere nice tonight. Let me take you out.

Who would she be to refuse? Besides, it was either that, or spend another night in with Chinese takeout and bad Christmas movies.

Her choice was made.

Trea surprised Dallas with quite the upscale dinner date. They had lobster (like, real lobster -- not the faux lobster that grocery stores would sell and her mother would proclaim was real. Okay, mom) and wine that spread a cozy warmth throughout her body as it went down.

Trea must have gushed over how beautiful and magnificent Dallas looked under the low lighting of the restaurant. Although she had wrinkled her nose at the candles that were placed in the center of the table, by the end of the meal, they glittered like little diamonds in Trea's big eyes.

The pair laughed and exchanged stories of Christmases spent with their families and, in between that, they had a lot of wine.

Which is how, after all was said and done, they were both wobbling down the streets of the nation's capital, laughing at nothing in particular.

Dallas did most of the wobbling, considering that the heels she'd put on especially for the dinner date were about five inches tall. Trea didn't mind, because he got to keep a hand on her small of her back, claiming that it was to ensure that she didn't fall and break her neck. That was his concern, yes, but he also had ulterior motives and liked to keep his maybe girlfriend close to him.

Standing underneath the arch of the doorway to one of Washington's many hotels, the two of them watched the cars drive past. She figured that they didn't have anything in particular to do.

Trea had other plans.

"You want to go in, then?" He asked, gesturing to the hotel behind them.

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