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" have yourself a merry little christmas - for kaytlen "

" have yourself a merry little christmas - for kaytlen "

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From now on, your troubles will be miles away.

Life had a habit of coming at Kaytlen unexpectedly. Whenever she was so, so sure that she knew the way that the world worked, the world made sure to remind her that she didn't know.

It caused her many a heartbreak and many a lonely night, but the holidays were a time that she could put everything on the shelf for a week of snow-covered bliss. Things had the potential of being out of sight, out of mind and staying there.

Growing up, Kaytlen never wanted the holidays to end. Now that the world had changed and rearranged itself in countless ways throughout the years, she didn't want them to start.

Her husband, Ian, didn't understand when his sweet girl had become such a little Scrooge -- but he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

During the first weekend of December, he found her sitting on the couch with her laptop in lap. He knew she was writing, so he didn't want to bother her that much, and he wouldn't have.

Until he heard her start to cry, and then Ian knew that something was up.

"Are you alright?" He asked, leaning against the wall that connected the kitchen to the living room.

Kaytlen sniffled a few times before wiping her eyes.

"I just -- what's going to happen to us? You know how much I love Detroit and, well, I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave all my friends and my life here -- I know you don't want it either." She explained.

Ian's heart sunk and he made his way over to the couch. He sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to him. Ian couldn't help but notice that she wasn't writing at all, but looking at pictures of the summer before. Trips to the beach, barbecues and making it work between home stands and road trips.

The picture she was currently looking at was one she took right before the team left for Opening Day in Chicago. He couldn't believe how many people in the picture just weren't on the team anymore and, well, Ian was sure she was worried about him being the next to go.

He was worried, too.

But they didn't have time for that right now. This wasn't the time or the place, really. Ian kissed Kaytlen softly before moving the laptop away and pulling her up off of the couch with him.

"Things are going to be okay, babe. I promise. No matter where we are -- they'll be alright and we'll make it work. We always do, don't we?" Ian's brown eyes that weren't known for glowing soft and sweet always seemed to be that way around Kaytlen.

She brought out the best in him and, no matter if he was here, there, or anywhere -- if they were together, Ian knew things would be alright.

"But, I..." She trailed off before sighing, a small smile tugging at her lips. Kaytlen was trying to stay positive for him. There had to be a reason he was being so positive, anyway. "You're right."

"So come on. Let's take our minds off of everything." Ian said, walking to the closet and pulling out both of their coats.

Kaytlen followed him and shrugged her red coat on. "And do what, exactly?"

Ian smiled. "You'll see."

In hindsight, Ian always seemed to surprise her, so she shouldn't have been so shocked to notice they were pulling up to a Christmas tree farm about 30 minutes up north from their house.

"Ian," she felt something tugging her heartstrings.

He looked at her. "Yeah?"

"I love you." Kaytlen smiled brightly.

Ian walked out of the car and shut the door behind him. Kaytlen frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. What in the --

He opened her car door and helped her out, wrapping his arms around her before kissing her in the middle of the parking lot.

"I love you more, and that's a fact." He said after they pulled away.

Whenever Ian looked at Kaytlen like that, her knees always turned into jelly. It was a good thing he was holding onto her, because a few more minutes of that man looking at her like she was the epitome of everything magical in the world would have her on the ground in no time.

Kaytlen gave him another kiss before finding her footing and starting to walk towards the farm itself.

"So we're going to get a tree and spray paint it silver, right?" She asked, knowing it would send Ian into some sort of frenzy.

Which it did.

"Oh no. You're the one who got me to start celebrating Christmas, and I'll be damned if we're going to make some sort of joke of the whole thing. Growing up, I always wanted the great big green Christmas tree, and I'm not having a gaudy tree in my living room." It was amazing that he could breathe in between his little tirade.

Kaytlen just threw her head back and laughed out loud.

Did she know her husband, or what?

Here we are as in olden days. Happy golden days of yore.

hey hey Kinsslah! i really hope you liked this and thanks for requesting! happy, happy holidays!

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hey hey Kinsslah! i really hope you liked this and thanks for requesting! happy, happy holidays!


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