Lauren chuckled as she read camila's response. She had clearly understood her double entendre.

**You say I'm not funny, but you laughed. Contradicting yourself aren't you?** Was the reply lauren sent back before she started to get dressed.

While she was getting dressed lauren couldn't help, but wonder how camila was going to take her going to hang out with lucy, She seemed cool with it yesterday, but now she was just about to spring it on her an hour before she went out. She wasn't starting off on a good note with being a girlfriend. That was for sure.

**dinah and I will be catching up with lucy today. Sorry for the short notice.** camila read the message out loud.

She shrugged her shoulders a bit, she had believed deep down that she was going to have a hard trusting lauren, but now that she was being put in situations where she would have to trust her, she found that it actually wasn't that hard.

It was probably because no matter how she looked at it lauren just wasn't the kind who would do something to hurt her. But then again she never saw austin as the kind of person who would hurt her either..

The thought briefly worried camila.

**I don't have to worry right?** She typed back, before she could properly think it over. It was a bit of her insecurity showing, but hopefully lauren would understand. After all she did have a justifiable reason right? Her previous boyfriend had cheated on her an now her current one was going to be hanging out with a supermodel.

Camila groaned a bit at her thoughts. She was just stressing herself out now. Lucy wouldn't make a pass at lauren right? There were just close friends...Maybe with a past she didn't know about...

"AGH!" Camila shouted to herself as she rubbed her hands through her hair tired of the different thoughts her brain was creating. Her phone's vibration signaling a response from lauren finally pulled her attention away from her irrational line of thinking.

**Why would you have to worry?** Was her response. Camila sighed, unsure of what she should say. Maybe she should just say never mind and not show her insecure side...

Camila's hands slowly slid around her phone's keyboard. Her brain was telling her that she didn't want lauren to know that she was feeling insecure, but deep down she knew that she wanted lauren to erase her insecurities just like she had done the previous night.

**Never mind...I was just being silly. Have fun! :)** Was the message she finally sent back to her. In the end she had nothing to worry about, lauren hadn't done anything to make her doubt her integrity therefore she would trust her.

Lauren read camila's message with a frown. She obviously was worried about her hanging out with lucy.

"But...If she was, she would have just told me." Lauren reasoned out loud before she continued to get dressed not thinking twice about the subject.

Camila sighed once more as she read lauren's text saying that she would talk to her later once she was back home.

"I guess I should start writing a new song since I have nothing else to do..." camila said to herself as she laid down on her bed and grabbed her mp3 player. Luckily shawn had recorded a few instrumentals she had made for her so she could work at her home.

She really did owe everything to lauren and shawn without them, she would probably still be searching for her place in life and now she was about to start writing a song to show to a top notch managing agency. It all seemed surreal.

"Now the first thing I should do is find a beat that I like..." camila muttered to herself, hoping to immerse herself so deeply into her work that she would forget about the stress her girlfriend had unintentionally caused.

Love&Basketball (Camren)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora