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Vadim was laying in bed as he saw Lorenza, one of his many mistresses, getting dressed. She was putting her yellow dress on as she looked in the mirror, the yellow complimented her chocolate skin.

"You should go." Vadim said to his mistress, while stepping out of bed. Lorenza turned around, a confused look on her face, as she was now putting her earrings in.

"My sister and her family are coming over in half an hour." He told her, his blue eyes were now cold as ice.

Lorenza quickly nodded her head before walking up to him, she pulled him towards her and kissed him on the lips before turning around, leaving the room.

An hour later Vadim was still alone, he was sitting in his armchair. He felt slightly hurt by the fact that his sister had not shown up yet. Before him the wood was burning in the hearth. Left to the fireplace a picture hung on the wall. The picture was taken on his fortieth birthday. In the picture a younger version of himself was running through the yard with a little Nickolai on his back.

As Vadim looked at the picture, for the first time in a long time he felt alone. He didn't have anyone, he was alone in this life. Sure he had his sister and his nephew, but he didn't have anyone of his own. He didn't have a wife or children, he had never felt the desire to. But in that moment he wished he had a family of his own, a wife to come home to and a couple of kids to care for.

Vadim's thought were cut short as he heard the sound of his phone ringing, someone was calling him.

"Where are you sister?" He asked as soon as he picked up the phone.

"I'm sorry Vadim, but we decided to go to Dimitri's family..." he heard Anastasia say. In the background he heard the sound of traffic, they were already on their way. Dimitri's family lived three hours away, thus they didn't visit them as much as Dimitri would like.

"You wouldn't mind spending Christmas alone right?" She asked, after which a silence followed.

"Uncle Vadim!" He could hear his little nephew shout in the distance. "I'm going to grandma!" His little voice was full of excitement and innocence.

Vadim took a deep breath before he answered "No I wouldn't mind..."

"Great! We'll come to visit you soon." His sister said, before hanging up.

Vadim put his phone back in his pocket, before sighing. 'Another Christmas alone...' he thought. This wasn't the first time his sister pulled a stunt like that, she always made up excuses so she wouldn't have to visit him. Vadim felt saddened as he thought about the reason why she didn't want to visit, she was scared of him. Everybody was scared of Vadim Nabatov.


Before him stood Alexei, his first in commend and his best friend. Vadim's face that was once filled with sorrow, was now emotionless.

"It has been done, he's dead."

A cruel smile made it's way on his face as he spoke "Good, that bastard deserved it. Is that all?"

Alexei nodded, doubt crossed his face for a split second before he spoke again "They didn't show up, did they?"

Vadim shook his head, not letting any emotion shine through his facade. He was the leader of the Russian mafia, he had to be cold... emotionless.

"You could join me and my wife." Alexei suggest. Alexei was around the same age as Vadim, he had ash blond hair and dark blue eyes. He had been happily married for fifteen years and had a beautiful wife and three kids, all in their pre-teens. Vadim felt a pang of jealousy as he thought about his friend's family life.

"No, I'm fine on my own." He answered coldly, he didn't want to be around anyone right now. Alexei got the silent hint and quickly left.

Vadim stood there for a few minutes, staring at the door his friend had just left through. His friend was going home to his family, while he was here alone.

Suddenly rage took over, he took the first thing he could lay his hands on and threw it at the wall. Turning around he walked to his office, it seemed like he had time to do business after all. Just before he left the room, he heard a maid walk into the living room to clean the mess.

As Vadim walked through the rooms he saw the guards needly standing on their spots. He also noticed that the guards would stiffen as he walked by, this fact made him grin. He liked it when his men feared him.

Minutes later he reached his office and as soon as he sat in his chair the first thing he did was lighting his cigar. As the aroma's of his cuban cigar started to fill the air, he looked to his left expecting to see the usual sight. The window was strategically placed so he could see the front door, if there would ever be an attack on his home he would be able to see it. Only now he saw something quite unusual, a woman he immediately recognised.

Vadim jumped out of his chair the second he saw this woman. Roksana, one of his mistresses, was running away from the front door like hell. He was surprised to see his mistress here, he hadn't seen her for at least eight months now. She had just disappeared in thin air.

He started running out of his office to his front door, trying to catch up with her. But as he reached the front door she was long gone.

'How had she passed the security?' He wondered as he looked at the footprints his Roksana had just formed in the snow. He didn't understand why she was back after so long, let alone that she was still alive.

Roksana was a beautiful woman in het late twenties. She had beautiful icy blond hair and green eyes, like the freshly cut grass in spring. She was short and slender. She had simply been perfect to be his mistress, but every person has it flaws and so had Roksana. She had a difficult past resulting in her having alcohol problems and a drugs addiction. Vadim had tried to help her, but she didn't want it. Thus when she suddenly disappeared Vadim assumed she would've died from an overdoses of some sorts.

Suddenly Vadim's thoughts where cut short when he heard a soft cry. Looking down, following the source of the cry, he was utterly shocked to see a baby. The baby was wrapped in a pink blanked and was laying on his doorstep.

The baby had patches of the same icy blond hair as Roksana on her head, her skin was pink from the cold and as Vadim picked her up he could see her eyes. Looking in her eyes he felt shocked to see she had the same light blue eyes his entire family had.

At that moment Vadim was overwhelmed by emotions. "A Christmas miracle..." he softly whispered as he looked at the little girl.

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