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Vadim was walking into the room, coming face to face with Roksana. For once the mafia boss was lost for words, what was he to do. He looked at her, not saying a word, waiting for her response. She looked at him, exhausted and broken, her grass green eyes no longer held the spark they once used to. They were dull, her hair was a mess and the clothes she wore were dirty. She looked as if she had died inside.

"I see you have found me after all." She said with some irony in her voice "I thought you would have found me sooner, I guess you have been slipping. Do you no longer have the grip on your business you once used to?" Those words made him livid, he wanted to kill her right that moment, nobody was disrespectful to Vadim Nabatov. However he contained himself, he took a deep breath. He thought about how she was the mother of his beloved daughter, he couldn't just kill her...

"Why?" Is all Vadim said, instead of pointing a gun at her head. When she didn't answer, he said it again. However after still not having answered he couldn't contain himself. "Why did you leave my daughter?!" He shouted loudly, as it echoed slightly in the empty room.

He pulled a knife, waving it in front of her face, hoping to get her talking. "Why did you do it? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He said in a calm voice again, having calmed himself down again. Still no answer left her lips. As Vadim was about to get more creative to let her talk, he heard a scream. The scream of his brother-in-law. Quickly he put the knife in his pocket, and ran to the room where Dimitri was staying in. Not thinking about the consequences of leaving the room unlocked.

As he entered the room he saw blood running down Dimitri's face, "what the fuck did you do Alexei?" He looked at Alexei, who looked at him with a cruel smile. "I thought you told me to get some information out of him?" he questioned his boss. "Not this way, Alexei, he is my sister's husband. If he is mutilated, I won't hear the end of it." He said as he shouted for a nurse to come and help Dimitri.

Vadim was about to leave again as Roksana entered the room, having a knife in her hand. For a long second it stayed quit, before Roksana began to speak. "Look at my beautiful knife, so easily overlooked by your security." She spoke full of confidence. Roksana pointed it towards Vadim, looking him in the eyes. The look on her face was one of a crazy person. "Roksana put the knife down." Vadim was trying to get her to drop the knife, not wanting anybody to get hurt.

"You ruined everything for me!" Roksana suddenly shouted, as she was furiously waving the knife. She walked a step closer to vadim, now she was almost able to touch him with her knife. "My body is ruined, my mind is ruined, Why did you do this to me?!" Tears began falling down her face. Vadim looked at her, not letting her out of his sight. Just as he thought the situation couldn't get any worse, a soft cry interrupted the tense silence.

Roksana turned around, trying to locate the cry, "Where is she?" she whispered. Which Vadim didn't answer to, slowly she began walking towards the hallway. This was his chance to overrule her and get the knife, that she still fiercely held on to, as far away from her as possible. She was distracted, weak.

The cries intensified and it was now clear where they were coming from, before he could even command Roksana to stay where she was. She had already bolted away, towards his daughter. Their daughter, he thought bitterly, before quickly sprinting after her, desperate to stop her. He loved his daughter, he promised he would let no one harm her. His cold heart broke, knowing that Karina was in the biggest danger she had ever been in, her mother was coming her way, mentally unstable and with a knife in her hand.

Vadim's head felt fussy, he couldn't think straight as horror scenarios passed through his mind. What if Roksana harmed her, what if she killed her. He couldn't risk it, he needed to stop her no matter what. Without giving it a second though he raised his gun and shot her, an ear piercing scream filled the room, causing the crying noise at the end of the long hall to intensify with it.

All he saw was blood, the carpet was stained in a pool of the blood, as he got closer to her slowly the scream get less intense. Almost like a last cry for help. He had hit her in the chest, as he came to a halt next to the body, he could see the shot wound more clearly. He looked Roksana in the eyes and slowly saw the life disappear from her eyes. Vadim felt numb, unable to do anything else but watch as the pool of blood became bigger and bigger. Never before had Vadim Nabatov regretted murdering someone, but now he felt like he had made the biggest mistake in his life. He killed his daughter's mother.

He felt like he couldn't move, but as he heard a soft voice full of terror whisper "uncle?", he felt like he almost couldn't move fast enough.

It was almost comparable to the same terror Anastasia had felt all those years ago. But this wasn't childlike innocent terror. As she was standing in the bathroom of Leonardo's mansion, tears streamed down her face. This couldn't be true, it had to be a mistake.

The two clear lines on the pregnancy test however did not lie, she knew that damn well. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck these stupid pills" she screamed as she threw her birthcontrol pills at the wall.

She had been with Leonardo for a few months, this wasn't suppose to happen. Leonardo was sexy and dangerous, but not father material. He wasn't ready to be a dad and to be honest, Anastasia wasn't either. This was just suppose to be a fling, to have fun and be free, before she returned to Russia and live her dull life. A life she had no say in, ruled by her parents.

Thinking about her parents she began sobbing as she sat down on the cold marble floor. They would probably assassinate her themselves, if they found out she was sleeping with the enemy. Vadim wouldn't understand either, he loved her but he was too dutiful.

She heard a nock on the door and shortly after Manuel walked in, horrified by the scene in front of him. "Miss Nabatova what is wrong?" he asked in a concerned voice.

Unable to speak Anastasia threw the pregnancy test in his direction. As soon as Manuel looked at the test, his face went from shock to complete terror. This was possibly the worst news he had ever received in his life. Even worse than when the young girl started an affair with the enemy. A girl he had protected with his own life since she had been born.

"I can't stay Manuel" she spoke in a shaky voice as her sobs began to calm down.

"I need to go Manuel, can you help me?" She said with a more steady voice this time after Manuel hadn't responded to her previous remark. Anastasia stood up from the bathroom floor and walked towards the bedroom to pack her things. Leonardo was away at work and wouldn't be home for another 3 hours, enough time to escape she thought.

"Of course I will Anastasia, I will do anything for you." He spoke as he walked after her as Anastasia began to pack her things.

As she looked around the room thinking about what to take with her and Manuel was on the phone with someone planning their escape. Anastasia felt determined, she would escape to a new world without crime, knowing her baby would never be safe in this world.

Caught between two families and the decades long of fighting between them.

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