Chapter 22

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There were tables scattered around the ballroom, all adorned with dinosaur balloons, and confetti. Harry, Draco, Lily, and Hermione sat together at one of them, watching as the kids played with some of the adults. A gaming system was set up, and James was competing with Ron and Scorpius to get the top score. Desirae and Rachel were being chased by Neville, Blaise was entertaining Daphne's children and Rose and Hugo, Arthur was engaged in a heated discussion with Lucius about the progress of muggle technology (What is a 'Myphone,' Exactly?) Pansy was wobbling around, eating her weight in food (Don't you judge me, Harry. I'm eating for two,) Fred and George were showing their new products to Maria and her boyfriend, using Sirius as a test subject while Remus watched with rapt interest. Ultimately, it was a crazy day.

"I'm not looking forward to the amount of presents that Scorpius is going to receive." Harry frowned.

"Did you expect anything less?" Draco asked, bouncing Orion on his knee.

"Well, no. Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Don't worry, Harry. I'll help you shrink them for transport." Hermione patted his hand.

"Thanks, 'Mione."

"I wish I could do magic." Draco said wistfully.

"It's great." Ron said, sitting down beside him and stuffing a finger sandwich down his throat.

Draco rolled his eyes. "I wish that Scorpius was able to, more than myself. I don't want him to ever be bitter toward his siblings."

"I don't think he will be." Lily said. "My sister was bitter to me, and she still only speaks to me occasionally. But Scorpius knows about magic and he still loves his siblings so much."

"That's true. Aunt Petunia is a nasty woman, though." Harry shivered. "If I lived with her, I imagine I would have grown up in the cupboard under her stairs."

"Harry." Lily scolded.

James joined the party at the table, "I heard Tuney's name mentioned."

"I was just saying I would have grown up in the cupboard under the stairs if I had grown up with them."

James thought about it for a second. "I think you're not far off the mark, son."

"James, that is my sister."

"And she's awful, Lils."

Lily narrowed her eyes, but a smile was playing on her lips.

"Alright!" Narcissa called over the commotion of the party. "It is time for the birthday boy to blow out the candles! Scorpius, come sit at the head table, honey."

Scorpius did as he was told, smiling as he made his way to the head table, sitting down in the makeshift throne.


Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy birthday Dear Scorpius,

Happy Birthday to you!

The giant plate of cookies- at least 200- was placed in front of me. The lights had all been turned off and the only source of light was the glow from the eleven candles.

My mouth was watering as I gazed at the melty, gooey, goodness that was the work of none other than my Grandma Narcissa. She really was the best cook. Aunt Molly was in second place.

"Make a wish!" Dad called. He was holding Orion in his arms, and struggling to fight the baby's hands away from his glasses.

I wish...I wish that my family will always be happy. I thought about wishing for magic, but it was too late for that.

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