Chapter Sixty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Fine." I snap, turning back around and wrenching open the door.

"Honestly Sue, what the fuck do you want me to say?" Nikki's voice echoes just as I take one step out the door.

"I don't know, something!" I exclaimed, turning around and looking at him. He was now looking at me, teary eyed.

"What am I suppose to say? You're leaving me, and I don't even get a say in it! Do you realise how much this fucking hurts? Do you Sue?" Nikki wasn't yelling, nor did he sound angry.

"I do! It hurt me to say that to you. It hurt me that I came up here and had to tell you that. Nikki, you and I have been hurting each other since the beginning of the tour. Do you realise how long I've been feeling like this? For every time you had a slip up, or said you hated me, or yelled at me. Nikki, I've been hurting all along. I don't know about you, but this tour has been nothing but shit. It was the worst thing I ever did." I exclaimed.

"You regret us?" A tear fell from Nikki's eyes. I was again crying, I couldn't do this any longer. It was hurting way too much.

"No! Why would I?" I squeak, I was taken back by his question. "The only thing I regret is the shit we've done to each other."

"Look, I know Sue. Baby, I've been here this whole time suffering along with you-"

"See? And that's exactly why I need to go. If I stay it's only going to get worse." I cross my arms over my chest.

"How do we know? It might not!" Nikki raised his voice slightly.

"Yeah, well. I'm not going to take any chances. I love you to the moon and back, but this can't keep happening. So, I made the decision for us. It's for the better. I'm nothing but a distraction, nothing but the one person you pick at. Do everything in your power to make me feel pain." My face scrunched up.

"I do not! Do you ever think that you do it to me?" Nikki growled. He was getting defensive and so was I.

"Well then, maybe we aren't meant to be. Maybe we are just toxic." I state.

"Don't you dare say that!" Nikki snapped, the tears continuing to fall from his eyes.

"Look, I'm going. I'm sorry, have a good life." I return, turning around and leaving him standing alone.

"Suzie-Q!" Nikki hisses. Before I could make it any further down the hallway. Nikki had me pressed up against the wall.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and you expect me to understand that you have to go?" Nikki asks. "I don't! I can't! I fucking won't." Nikki let's out a cry. "I don't want you to go, I can't live a day without you."

"It's too late Nikki. I'm going, okay?There's nothing you can do about it." I state. "The tickets booked, I go tomorrow night. I bet that will be a relief for you, wasn't that what you wanted in the first place?" My tone changing dramatically, I sounded incredibly harsh. I even flinched at my own tone.

"Suzie-Q, just shut up." Nikki places his hand over my mouth. "It was never something I wanted, I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to hurt you like I did from the day of the tour. Baby, you and me are meant to be. It's just we haven't exactly expressed ourselves right."

I pulled Nikki's hand from my mouth, a frown on my face. "We haven't expressed ourselves right, huh? I expressed how I felt about you, you did and then you decided to throw it in my face. With Erin and fucking Brandi. Now who's the one who didn't express it right?"

"Oh yeah? What about you and Axl?" Nikki glared at me.

"I did that in retaliation at you! You started the shit, but clearly couldn't take it when I threw it back into your face." I snap. "Nikki, you're the one who started all the bullshit."

I crossed my arms over my chest. My face looking away from Nikki and down the empty hallway.

"Let's forget it ever happened! You and I both know we want to put it behind us, we both know we love each other. Why can't that be enough?  Why can't my love be enough for you to stay?" Nikki questions, using his pointer finger and thumb to turn my attention back to him.

"I want to stay! But I can't! It's not a good idea Nikki, you just don't get it do you? Angry's taking me home, maybe there was a chance if you didn't blow up in my father's face! Have you any idea of what Angry thinks of you?"

"I don't care what he thinks of me!" Nikki snapped. "I don't give a fuck if he hates my guts, he's not who I love now is he? I love you, and he can't do shit about it. I'm gonna marry you one day and that's final."

"Well, you probably should. Is that a fact Nikki? Then you aren't going the right way about this." I clench my jaw, the fire burning into my eyes.

"Oh who gives a shit. I'll marry you whether he likes it or not. We will have a couple of kids, we'll fucking grow old together. Than when he's dead and buried, we won't be bothered by him." Nikki held an annoyed expression.

"I may not have the best relationship with Angry, but how dare you speak about my father like that!" I snapped, pushing him away from me. "You have no respect whatsoever."

"I would if he wasn't taking you away from me!" Nikki snapped back at me, following me all of the way down the hallway.

"Nikki, you are the main reason as to why he's taking me away." I stopped and turned back around to face him. "Now why don't you just accept that I'm going? That will make it easier on the both of us."

"Baby, I just can't accept it. It's not meant to end like this." Nikki softly spoke.

"It is Nikki, the sooner you get over it the better." I watched Nikki carefully, he looked down at the ground before inhaling deeply.

"Fine, if I can't persuade you. Maybe this can." Nikki spoke before pulling something from his pocket. Holding it hidden in his hand, Nikki slowly lowered himself and got down on one knee.

"Nikki, what are you doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I could feel my stomach knot up and my heart flutter. No, please don't do this to me. You're making it worse!

"Suzie-Q Anderson, will you do me the honour in marrying me?"

Thanks for reading!
I know it's shit, it wasn't quite what I was aiming at, but yeah. Only a few more chapters to go! Than this book is a goner!! But there should be another book on the way, yeah I know! A turtle is faster than me, I'm sorry :(

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