Chapter 21

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Surprised, Wendy stepped off the bus to find John waiting for her, looking casual as he sat sprawled across a bench. “I thought you were meeting me at the pub.” She said, confused. He stuck an unlit cigarette between his lips and probed his pockets for a lighter. “We’re doing something else instead.” He mumbled. 

Over the last week, he’d saved and swiped enough money to afford a real dinner, instead of some shoddy fish and chips like usual. After all the trouble the two had caused for each other, he figured it wouldn’t be bad to try something more sophisticated.

John stood and removed the ciggie out of his mouth to properly kiss her. He’d told Wendy a couple days ago that he didn’t like her wearing lipstick because it got all over him, but fore some reason he smiled to find it still stubbornly there.

They fell into step together. “Well, where are we going?” Wendy asked lightly. She figured it might be nothing, but John seemed to be in a bit of a mood. He shrugged, “Somewhere, I suppose.” Wendy could feel something pressing on his mind and in a bold move slipped her hand into his. “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?” she asked. John hesitantly let her tangle their fingers together but didn’t want to breach the subject of his band. The off day still bothered him, but at the moment he craved a nice evening with his bird and to not worry about things.  

“Maybe later” John said. He smiled at her reassuringly and cocked an eyebrow. Wendy grinned back, squeezing his palm. “So what’s on the agenda for this evening?”

John took a long drag off of his forgotten cigarette and offered one to Wendy, which she declined. “How about a night of enough booze and birds to last you a lifetime?”

She pulled a face. “Actually, I think I’ll have to pass, sorry.” John shrugged. “Your loss then.” He let go of her hand and snaked his arm around her waist, tucking her close to him. Wendy blushed; the spot where his thumb absently stroked her hip tingled, even through the fabric of her dress.

“Wot you turnin’ all red for?” John asked. He’d seen Wendy completely naked, it was hard to imagine a reason she’d blush at an arm around her waist.

Wendy herself was wondering along the same lines. Public displays of affection had always made her uncomfortable, but she figured it would be different with John.

“No reason” She snapped back, with a little more bite to it than intended. John raised his eyebrows. “Does the lady with I would not grasp her waist in such a way that would suggest I find her attractive?” He asked snobbishly. Although his tone was mostly teasing, Wendy could still hear a bit of hurt behind it.

“No” She shook her head. “I’m just not used to something so public.” John frowned mockingly. “So I suppose shagging in a doorway is out of the question?” Wendy laughed, “Perhaps.”

They continued down the sidewalk so wrapped up in each other John almost missed their intended destination. He quickly redirected her path and pulled Wendy inside. “What are we doing at the music hall?” she asked. John ushered her into a seat and sat down opposite. “Enjoying ourselves, of course.”

Wendy’s heart nearly skipped a beat with panicky nervousness. She didn’t have enough money for a full out sit down meal, they were supposed to be going to a pub.

“What’s the matter?” John asked, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Wendy smiled weakly. “Nothing I just…isn’t it kind of expensive?” He looked at her queerly. “What are you talking about?”

“Isn’t it really expensive?” She repeated. John blinked, and then laughed. “I can cover it, don’t worry.” He assured her. Wendy frowned, but didn’t say anything. Once again, harsh feelings about unnecessary charity crept into her stomach. She didn’t want John to spend so much money on her when they could go someplace cheaper.

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