Chapter 14

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John slammed back his forth drink in an hour and crudely called for the barmaid to get him another. The lads laughed loudly along with him.

“Told ya we’d make it somewhere!” John slurred, nearly shouting. The group guffawed in unison again as the small girl approached with John’s drink. He nearly snatched his arm off when groping for the bitter.

“Sorry about that.” He said, winking. “How about I make it up to you later?” and he laughed again, taking a swig. The bird rolled her eyes and patted him arm sympathetically. “Sorry son, you’re not exactly my type.”

“And what is your type then??” He scoffed loudly as the guys tittered around him.

“Certainly not drunken teenagers.” She said, moving away from their table.

John cried out after her. “Drunk?? I’m not drunk! I’m celebratin’!” He and the other lads roared with laughter, pounding their fists into the table.

“To the toppermost of the poppermost!” John shouted, and raised his glass. They all grunted in agreement and smashed their glasses together in a drunken toast, causing a typhoon of amber liquid to waterfall over their wrists.

John drank heavily from his and dropped it back to the table, where the remaining contents spilled over the battered wood.

“Watch it Lennon!” One of the lads cried, shoving himself back to avoid getting bitter all over his trousers.

Oh piss off Davis,” he laughed, “Your Mummy will wash it for you if they get too messy.” The lads laughed as Davis turned every shade of red there was.

Nothing could ruin John’s mood. He hadn’t stopped smiling for the past couple hours even. Ever since getting the gig at St. Peter’s, he’d been floating on cloud nine. Not even Mimi could get under his skin.

“Didn’t I tell you that Empire Day thing would be worth it?! We got our own gig!” He blurted giddily. The group nodded and mumbled words of agreement, but nobody showed as much excitement about the event of John. For him, the gig was another step that brought him closer to meeting his dream of making it big in the music industry. For the others, it was fab and all that, but it was only fun.

Pete Shotton nonchalantly glanced at his watch. “Oh shit, I gotta go John, but I’ll see you all at practice tomorrow.” He said, hurrying to finish his drink and leave.

“Already?” John asked. Disappointment leaked into his voice, and although he didn’t notice it, the others did.

“Yeah” Shotton replied carefully. “Me Mam wanted me home before ten and it’s already a quarter passed.”

“Aw come on,” John said loudly. He raised his arms like a king gesturing to his wealth, “We’re celebrating! You do everything your Mummy tells you to?” only a couple dry chuckled followed the comment, much to John’s annoyance.

Shotton shook his head. “Sorry mate, but I’m tired of her yelling at me.”

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