Chapter 6

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"C’mon Wendy it’ll be fun, I promise.” Diana pleaded. She jiggled the door knob to Wendy’s room half-heartedly, knowing very well it would take more than a little groveling to get the girl out of there. 

“No! I’m not going!” Wendy said loudly, not exactly shouting. She was starting to regret every taking her Mother’s suggestion of going to meet the neighbors.

Diana belonged to the very conservative, stiff family from next door, and although she was a year younger, she liked to get her way. All. The time.

Nevertheless, the two had become fast friends. The younger girl was desperate to get out from under her parents’ harsh gaze and spend some time having a bit of maybe-not-so-innocent fun. Wendy was more than willing to help in that regard; unfortunately, Diana just as much wanted to introduce Wendy into her kind of social scene as she craved freedom.

“You don’t even know what it’ll be like.” Diana reasoned. Wendy laughed loudly, leafing through a magazine on the floor.

“I know exactly what’s going to happen: it’s a garden party with a bunch of rich snobs that will tear me apart as soon as they see me!”

Diana rolled her eyes. “Please don’t make me do this by myself, I need you there for…for support.”

Wendy was quiet, trying not to let guilt overwhelm her decision making.

“I’ll owe you one. Big time.” Diana added.

Wendy was hesitant in responding. She chose her words carefully. “What do you mean ‘big time’?”

Diana made a noise of impatience but quickly realized she was winning. Now was the time to strike. “Whatever, I don’t care.”

The door handle moved and Diana jumped back just in time for Wendy to poke her head cautiously out. Diana smiled sweetly at her as the girl narrowed her eyes.



Wendy sighed. “Ok fine, I’ll go.” And she opened the door all the way to let Diana in. Immediately, the younger girl bee-lined for the closet and tentatively shifted through the contents, observing every article of clothing within. 

“You should wear a dress.” Diana commented, sounding like she was thinking out loud. Wendy shifted her weight uncomfortably. “I don’t have any dresses.”

Diana caught her tone and brushed the meaning in it off. She was good at avoiding touchy subjects like that. Which was one of the reasons Wendy liked her so much.

“Come back to my place, I have a nice blue thing you can borrow.”

Wendy quickly agreed. She really didn’t feel like fighting with Diana over her outfit of choice when the younger girl hadn’t given up about actually going to the party after several days of refusal.

In Diana’s room, she threw a pretty blue cotton garden dress at Wendy and shoved her into the bathroom. As the older girl admired herself in the mirror after changing she couldn’t help but appreciate Diana’s good clothing taste. Wendy herself hadn’t owned a dress since she was twelve and this wasn’t something she was used to. It was nice though.

She took her time pinning up her hair, and by the time she got out of the bathroom, Diana had already gotten dressed and slathered on her face.

“That fits really well on you.”

“I feel like a bimbo.”

Diana shrugged. “Well you look like one; it’s the perfect first impression.”

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