Chapter 8

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“Are we going to see John?” The little boy questioned for the third time.

“No Scott, we’re not going to see John.”

“Why not?” he retorted, also for the third time.

Wendy sighed. That was a tricky question, and her patience was waning. She had no idea how to answer her little brother. Scott couldn’t possibly understand what a pretentious bastard John was, and she didn’t want to make John seem like a monster when Scott admired him so much. John hadn’t done anything wrong to him, just to his sister.

So not knowing what to say, Wendy took the easy way out; she didn’t answer. And Scott didn’t ask again.

The two of them were out of the house for the day. Mary had tripped off on another date with that stringy Alan guy and left instructions for her children to not get into any trouble. Wendy could not have rolled her eyes harder at that.

She decided to take Scott out to the park because it hadn’t been just those two in a while. Some brother-sister time seemed in order. And besides, any distraction from John was welcome…

Ever since abandoning Diana’s garden party on what turned out to be a terrible whim, Wendy had not seen her bubbly neighbor anywhere. A part of her suspected this was very deliberate. Still, the younger girl would be forced to talk if Wendy showed up at her front door unannounced. Or at least that was what she hoped. An apology was in order, and it would be best face to face.

Scott waddled alongside his sister, griping her wrist tightly. Wendy had tried to lock their fingers together but he wouldn’t have it. As much as Scott loved his sister, he was all of four-years old and didn’t need her as much as he used to. He wanted as much independence as possible while walking down the street without being in danger of falling, or getting snatched up by a stranger.

As the two approached Diana's place, Scott frowned in confusion. He was under the impression Wendy was taking him to the park. Not some old house.

Wendy smiled at Scott apologetically and knocked once before a man, not much older than her, opened the door. He looked curiously over his glasses at her. She guessed he couldn’t be a day over twenty-one.

Scott’s confusion deepened. This strange boy was not John. Already, disapproval marked his tiny facial features. This wasn’t Wendy’s new John was it?

“Yes?” The weird boy asked gruffly. A snarky grin played over his lips. Wendy flashed him a smile to keep back her hateful laugh. The way this kid looked, he figured he could seduce every girl he laid eyes on. Not a fucking chance, she thought to herself.

“Is Diana home?” She asked sweetly, batting her lashes teasingly between every word. The guy nodded, not taking his dull eyes off the girl on the doorstep. “Yeah, she’s somewhere around.”

Wendy raised a cocky eyebrow. She had no interest in games right now. “Could I speak to her?” Se pressed. Her tone bit through the waves of pure seduction the boy was sending out, but he was not even fazed.

He promptly ignored her request. “I’m Jimmy,” he said smoothly, “Diana’s brother.”

Wendy’s smile was fading fast and she didn’t put any effort in keeping it up. “Wendy, I live in the neighborhood, and this is Scott.”

Jimmy, only just now noticing the little boy, tipped his hat to them both. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Suddenly, a small, feminine hand appeared behind Jimmy and smacked him right on the back of the head. He hardly noticed, still gazing at Wendy. She stared right back, a hard look on her face. She was in no mood to play along with his flirting.

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